Imbolc - Springtime is coming

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The growing season is nearly on us, time to sow seeds of both plants and ideas

This Saturday, the 1st of February marks the time of Imbolc in the pagan calendar. The point between winter solstice and spring equinox where we celebrate and take notice of those first signs of spring. The days are getting longer, if only a little. I realised the other day that there was still a little light in the sky when I was driving at 5.20pm. The promise of more daylight (even if we cannot be certain of more sun, I mean I do live in England!) is as uplifting as the sight of those first crocus and the full swathes of snowdrops that carpet the ground. It’s really worth seeking out some places to visit that have snowdrop displays, I still remember quite a few years ago visiting Easton Walled Gardens near Grantham and being blown away by the sheer size of the carpet of white flowing over the ground. I’ve since found out that there are hundreds of varieties of snowdrop, each with slight variations of design or growth. But it’s the crocus that makes me smile at this time of year, I’ve always loved colour and so it’s no surprise that a carpet of yellows and purples win over white.

What can we be doing in our gardens at this time of year, when it’s still pretty cold – with maybe even snow on the ground depending on where you are. This month, I’m still leaving most outside jobs alone, the wildlife that needs to stay sheltered will appreciate you not tidying those leaves - unless they’re in such a thick carpet that they are preventing the bulbs from pushing up through. There are a few seeds that I’ll start off inside this month, in an effort to get an early start, and because I’ve only got two heated propagators and they’ll be needed for the sweetcorn later in the spring.

Chili seeds can be sown now, with heat underneath them – but take note, do not rub your nose after handling the seeds! Learn from my mistake…although I did find it very funny once I realised what I’d done, it could have been much worse if I’d had an itchy eye!

It feels good to get my hands in the compost again, a reconnection to the earth that had become a little distant over the hibernation of winter. The anticipation of germination and growth…and that can be of the actual seeds that will grow into plants, or it can be taken to mean the seeds of ideas, plans for the year ahead. A new month, a new start.

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