😫Anxiety and fear are the two biggest challenges right now, individually AND as a collective - if you're feeling it, so are others - that's an amplification of change is coming!

💚To make change, we begin with ourselves allowing for more Peace to permeate our being and let that radiate out to our community.

📝Old stories & habits die hard. They will fight to stay in place because it is familiar and certain. So if you're seeing it in yourself or others, breaking free is on the other side of that. Noticing what belief is the foundation, is the key to letting it go.

Acknowledge that the old story is there and gently reassure yourself, it's safe to let it go.

💚💚Ask yourself - do i want to create with this feeling?

🏁It's been a while...so let's play. This is looking at your self-lead healing energy work for the next 3mths.

🎯What is the undertone/undercurrent at play?
🎯What action to take daily to make effective change?
🎯What in your relationship with Self & Others is unfolding unconsciously?

1. Take a moment to be in the here and now - leave your problems in an imaginary basket to collect later if you really want them back (😜)
2. Take 3× long deep breaths 🌬🌬🌬
3. Bring your awareness to the top of your head, and with each breath take the elevator down into your Heart Space. 🏗💚
4. Sit here for a few breaths.🌬💚🌬💚🌬💚
5. With your 💚, ask which group of cards will best serve you these next 3mths.🕯🙌🏾🕯

- This is going for a personal journey shift over the course of 1x season.
- Come back to this regularly. Trust you made the right choice for you.
- Be willing to let go of the old in favour of the new

To make effective change, you have to make effective action - daily! Else the result stays the same.

I'll do the reveal within the next 48hrs


