I just want people to know that no matter your start in life, or the things you did or didn't do that you may or may not be proud of, is just ONE of a SQUILLION different experiences available.

There are so many realities we can live. It's choosing from our Consciousness NOT our Conditioning that makes the difference.

🔺️The point is to learn what lessons/skills/choices came of it, and what blessings/skills/choices also came of it. 📐What idea lead into that scenario?

I know there are wars going on out there. Even amongst ourselves. If not within ourselves.

Change starts with you. Be willing to let go of things that are no longer relevant. These wars are playing the same old record. It's time to throw it out and start anew. You can do that! Did you know that?
Stop punishing others. Stop punishing yourself. Stop believing in bullshit that turns into war.

🎯If you could clean the slate and start fresh, what is it you'd love to do with your new life?

🎯What's one thing you can do take action TODAY to live that reality?

🖼 the artwork below is called Elements of Creation and is one i created a few times. It's deeper meaning follows me everywhere - astrology, wicca, tarot, nature, Ninjutsu, cooking, painting. It's a way for me to interpret the world and bring balance to that which is out of balance.

You can see there are different parts. They contribute to the making of the 'whole'. When our "parts" are in discord, the result is disharmony.
When our "parts" are working together, harmony, magic, manifest happens.

Get that saying - "divide & conquer". We do not need more division. We need more Unity toward the elements of love, joy, freedom and creation!

It's as simple as letting go of the ingredients that doesn't make for a good recipe. LET GO.

The painting brings together the elements of Fire 🔥 Air 🌪 Water 💧 Earth 🌎 Spirit 🌬 + 🕺💃👼

This is a metaphor recipe to create balance and harmony in life.
If one of them is out, make adjustments. LET GO.

Change starts in the home.
Home is where your heart is.
Heart is the key to creating a beautiful life.

If you'd like some 1-1 guidance or an artwork of your very own to represent the beautiful harmonious tapestry that you are to show all your friends and family how awesome you are.... you know what to do... hit me up. Let's dance 💃
