Life Path numbers…..
You may have had a reading or been told or even calculated your Life path number in Numerology; BUT do you work with it on a daily basis…..

Here’s my top 3 tips on how to and even more importantly on why I feel you should….

1. When the fog ensues and you get distracted on what you want, remember your life path number and other core numbers. These will be a gentle reminder of all that you are giving you increased clarity ✨

2 working with your life path number will increase your confidence as you identify and accept the the areas you excel at ✨

3. When you work with your Life Path number and other core numbers on a daily basis your intuition will be fine tuned which means easier decision making ✨

Tell me why you’re not working with your Life Path number on a daily basis!

And if you would like to have a full numerology reading either me, message me today and get a personalised 2024 forecast too ✨
