Brawl Erupts at Tennessee Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony

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An all-out brawl erupted at Buckley Carpenter Elementary School's kindergarten graduation in Tennessee, leading to three arrests. Video footage on Twitter shows the chaos as parents and children clashed during the ceremony.


Brawl Erupts at Tennessee Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony

An elementary school gymnasium in the state of Tennessee turned into a battlefield when an all-out brawl broke out during the school’s kindergarten graduation ceremony.

Chaos at Buckley Carpenter Elementary School

Video on Twitter demonstrates dozens of parents and children throwing hands for what was simply supposed to be an excuse to get out of work. Most of the time people zone out during these graduation ceremonies. Apparently, this group was looking for trouble.

Arrests Made After Brawl

Three people were arrested as a result of the brawl. The event happened at Buckley Carpenter Elementary School in Tennessee on May 15. A deputy observed a large group of adults fighting in the bleachers. Two ladies were noted to be exchanging fisticuffs. The women were familiar with one another, growing up together, and one, by report, has an order of protection against the other. The deputy separated the two women in the hallway. However, instead of remaining in the hallway, one of the combatants went back into the gym to fight the other. She was subsequently detained and escorted from the school. The brawl was large enough that it required several officers from different departments to break it up. Video on Twitter shows complete chaos with multiple fights occurring.

Origins of the Brawl

Apparently, the argument began with one of the initial women starting an argument with a child. The child initially stood up, taking an aggressive stance, after which time the adult woman responded by doing the same. The second woman witnessed what was going on and made her way down the bleachers to hit the other woman from behind. Then the large brawl broke out.

Additional Arrests

An additional adult, this time a man, was charged later outside the school when he apparently told one of the women that he would shoot her in the face. One of the women was arrested for violating an order of protection and inciting a riot. She also faces three counts of simple assault.

Reflection on Adult Behavior

Obviously, this is poor adult behavior. These are not role models. Unfortunately, we have too many graduations and coddling of our entitled youth to graduate from preschool and kindergarten with lavish ceremonies. This should be done for high school and college. Maybe if there are fewer events, the adults will be able to act like they’re an adult for a few hours.

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