Trance Divination Readings

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Experience deep spiritual guidance with Trance Divination Readings. Connect with ancestral spirits through trance posture, rhythmic rattling, and sacred space

 Power of Trance Divination Readings

In our fast-paced, modern world, the ancient practices of connecting with Spirit and seeking guidance from the Ancestors may seem far removed from daily life. However, these timeless rituals hold profound wisdom and transformative potential. One such practice is trance divination readings, a powerful method that enables us to access spiritual insights and ancestral guidance.

What Are Trance Divination Readings?

Trance divination readings are unique divination sessions where both you and I will enter a trance state, facilitated by the creation of sacred space, specific postures and rhythmic rattling. This practice allows both parties to connect deeply with the spiritual realm and communicate with ancestral spirits or other guiding entities.   

No previous experience in trance, or divination is necessary for the reading.


The Process of a Trance Divination Reading

Creating Sacred Space

The session begins by setting up a sacred space which I will do on both of our behalf's.

This involves creating an environment filled with elements that invoke a sense of reverence and focus, such as candles, incense, or meaningful objects. The space is then opened with the invocation of the elements, elementals and other supportive spirits.

This helps in establishing a spiritual atmosphere conducive to deep connection, being respectful of Spirit and creating a container for Spirit to be held.


Establishing Intent

You will be required to have specific questions ready to ask in trance state in which you wish to seek clarity, guidance or support. You will be given further instruction on booking.

Entering the Trance State

We will both engage in a short simple breathing technique to settle the energy and to initiate the reading.  We then both hold a  simple seated trance posture, (full instruction will be given) quiet our minds, and focus our intentions and questions.

Rhythmic rattling is used to deepen the trance state, creating an environment where the connection to the Spirit world is enhanced, making it easier to receive messages and guidance.

Connection with Spirits

In this heightened state of awareness, we will both be open to access the wisdom of Ancestral Spirits who choose to work with us during the session. These Spirits offer insights, guidance, and support on various aspects of the your life.

The connection established  in trance state is profound and allows for clear communication with the Spirit world.

Journaling and Reflection

After the trance state, there is dedicated time for journaling. We will both write down any messages, visions, or feelings experienced during the trance.  This may include drawings of visuals. This reflective practice is crucial as it helps in capturing the insights and wisdom received, ensuring that important details are not forgotten.

The Reading

I will then provide a detailed interpretation of the messages and guidance received from Spirit. This part of the session is highly personal and tailored to address the your specific questions and concerns. The reading offers direction, advice, and clarity, helping you to navigate your life with greater understanding and purpose.


Benefits of Trance Divination Readings

Deep Spiritual Connection

Trance divination readings facilitate a profound connection with the spiritual realm, allowing for direct communication with Ancestors and guiding Spirit. This connection can bring a sense of comfort, knowing that one is supported by the wisdom of the Ancients.

Personal Insights

The trance state often allows clients to receive their own insights and messages, which can be incredibly empowering. These personal revelations complement the guidance provided by the reader, offering a holistic understanding of one’s path and challenges.

Healing and Transformation

Engaging with Spirit and receiving their guidance can lead to significant emotional and spiritual healing. The process helps in releasing deep-seated fears, traumas, and blockages, facilitating personal transformation and growth.

Clarity and Direction

The readings can provide clear guidance, helping you to make informed decisions and navigate your lives with greater confidence and clarity. Whether it’s about relationships, career, or personal growth, the insights gained from a trance divination reading can be life-changing.

Physical Benefits of Trance States

Entering a trance state, characterised by theta brain wave activity, also offers numerous physical benefits. These include reduced stress levels, enhanced relaxation, and improved overall physical well-being. Theta brain waves are associated with deep relaxation and healing, promoting the release of endorphins and other beneficial neurochemicals. This state can also improve heart health by lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of stress-related illnesses.


Trance divination readings are a powerful tool for accessing the wisdom of the Spirit world and gaining deep insights into one’s life. By entering a trance state and connecting with ancestral spirits, you can receive profound guidance and support.


Your Invitation

This ancient practice not only fosters a deep spiritual connection but also offers personal empowerment and transformative healing.

If you’re ready to explore the transformative power of trance divination readings, you are invited to book in with Tracy Marie - click on the link below to register your interest in a session.




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