Combatting Account Takeover Fraud: Safeguarding E-Commerce in an Era of Increasing Threats

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A growing global risk for e-commerce businesses, account takeover (ATO) fraud can have serious financial and brand consequences

Globally, account takeover (ATO) fraud is becoming a more serious threat to e-commerce companies. A startling 22% of people in the US alone have been the subject of crimes, with losses averaging $12,000 every instance. This means that ATO fraud, which is projected to represent 13% of e-commerce fraud expenses in the US in the year 2021, will bear a major share of the blame. The effects go beyond monetary losses. Customers frequently hold retailers responsible for ATO fraud, which erodes consumer confidence and brand loyalty. ATO frauds are increasing globally, which is a significant worry for the e-commerce sector. This trend is reflected globally.


Any website that allows users to log in is vulnerable to account takeover assaults. And as hackers develop more sophisticated techniques and data becomes more valuable, your website is probably going to be increasingly susceptible to account takeover attacks. Account takeover attempts surged by 282% in a single year, meaning that organizations will need to prevent their accounts from taking over. In order to prevent hackers from taking over user accounts and using them to steal passwords, personal information, or payment details, account takeover prevention helps keep user accounts safe.


Credentials and data that are stolen are valuable. To take control of and gain access to client accounts, including bank accounts and corporate social media accounts, criminals employ strategies like credential stuffing and card cracking. They then utilize this data to either sell the information to third parties via the dark web or scam money and loyalty points from your clients.


Fraud involving account takeover poses a threat not just to your users or customers but also to your company. What occurs if you are not protected against account takeover?

Your company may suffer greatly if you allow the payment information and personally identifiable information of your clients to be hacked.


First, there might be serious privacy implications. A GDPR violation carries heavy penalties, with a maximum fine of £17.5 million or 4% of worldwide turnover each year, whichever is higher. The likelihood of receiving a substantial fine increases with the size of the breach; therefore, account takeover prevention is essential from a financial perspective.


Additionally, hackers have been known to demand a ransom in exchange for restoring data from compromised accounts using the GDPR regulations. The greater our reliance on technology, the more susceptible websites are to account takeovers.


However, account takeover assaults can also result in a loss of client loyalty and confidence. Your reputation could suffer greatly as a result, making it difficult to attract new clients and mend damaged relationships with existing ones.


How Can ATO Detection Be Made Better?


Email And Communications Monitoring: Phishing attempts and other information requests are sent by fraudsters by text message or email, therefore it's critical to keep an eye on communications in order to spot and stop these attempts.

IP Reputation: Suspicious IP addresses are frequently the source of fraud. To identify attempted fraud, it is helpful to examine IP reputation in general as well as additional IP data, such as country of origin.

Machine Learning: You can quickly and accurately identify suspect users and sessions with the assistance of machine learning models.

Device Information: An ATO assault could be indicated by a significant number of "unknown" devices interacting with your website or application. Furthermore, accessing several accounts on a single device could indicate that an attacker is attempting to compromise multiple ATO accounts.

Artificial Intelligence (Ai)--B-Based Fraud Detection: Modern attackers employ AI to impersonate trustworthy individuals and make their attacks more difficult to spot, but AI-based detection technologies can assist in spotting these attacks.


Account Takeover Fraud Prevention


Data protection from cybercriminals requires collaboration between individuals, businesses, and law enforcement agencies. If ATO fraud goes unchecked, the costs will increase rapidly. Businesses that don't take action to terminate compromised accounts lose more than just the money directly associated with each hacked account. Consumers frequently blame businesses for fraudsters' success, and prominent ATOs make headlines. Years pass, but the consequences of ATO fraud persist, ranging from diminished sales to harm to brand reputations.


Data Security


There are a few things you can do on your own to lower your risk of ATO fraud. Keep up with the latest risks and protect your login information from phone scams, phishing attempts, and other online crimes. Always use distinct, difficult passwords and keep them private. Avert using public WiFi to access your personal and commercial accounts and make sure your WiFi and IoT devices are safe.


Assist your clients in protecting their account information by:


  • Encourage people to develop and keep secure passwords. This entails implementing multi-factor authentication, enforcing regulations about the complexity of passwords, and encouraging users to change their passwords often.
  • Locking accounts following failed login attempts can help identify when your site is being targeted and lower the likelihood of a credential-stuffing attack being successful.


Security Procedures


Companies must take the initiative to prevent account takeovers while being cautious not to annoy or burden genuine users with excessive verification procedures. Fraud detection technologies and identity and access management (IAM) systems combined provide a comprehensive approach that stops criminal actors before they can access user accounts.


When available, users should enable two-factor authentication ( 2FA ) and multi-factor authentication, or MFA, on their accounts to give businesses an extra degree of protection against hackers accessing their accounts using stolen credentials. Since fraudsters lack the additional forms of authentication that MFA and 2FA require users to supply to establish their identity, access to accounts is blocked.


Fortify Your Defenses with Account Takeover Protection Software


Using account takeover prevention software strengthens your online store's security. These tools analyze user behavior and login attempts to look for irregularities suggestive of fraud. This allows for real-time interventions to prevent unwanted access, including multi-factor authentication challenges. Account takeover protection, robust password guidelines, and user training on cybersecurity best practices will help you drastically lower the likelihood of ATO scams and protect your clients' accounts.


A growing global risk for e-commerce businesses, account takeover (ATO) fraud can have serious financial and brand consequences. Companies need to take proactive steps and protect user accounts by putting strong security measures in place, even as hackers evolve their methods. This entails keeping an eye out for phishing attempts in communications, assessing IP reputation, implementing machine learning, and applying AI-based detection tools. Two essential stages in risk mitigation are promoting the use of strong passwords and putting multi-factor authentication (MFA) into place. In an increasingly digital environment, businesses may preserve their brand identity, keep customers trusting them, and protect their data by implementing thorough account takeover prevention methods.

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