5 things holding you back from creating a Bulldozepreneur mindset & business success

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What is really holding you back from bulldozing down barriers in your life and business?

Anyone can build a Bulldozepreneur mindset to breakdown barriers to themselves and their business. There are 5 common things that I see when supporting women to find business success. 

  1. Talking down about their business - to themselves, to others, to anyone who will listen. This usually comes from a fear of failure and a view that then it's less embarrassing if the business fails (depending on what you define as fails). Build your business up into a bulldozer beast in the way you talk about it. If it fails that's ok, lots of people do but there is no embarrassment in trying and sharing your dreams. 

2. A lack of resilience - You have to be willing to go through the times that are hard and lead your business through the blips (and bigger blips). A hard time in business isn't a sign that your business is doomed to fail so don't take it as that. Redirect and see it as a learning opportunity. 

3. Not surrounding yourself with the right people - Find those who inspire you, those who challenge you, those who give you ideas and opportunities. Surround yourself with those experiencing the success that you want. They didn't get there by judging others and they sure won't be judging you. Don't worry you fit in, learn and grow. 

4. Not feeding your business - Your business is hungry! Give it your love, your time, your care and your experience. There is no quick fix to business and no business that will bring you in £££ with zero effort. You have to be willing to feed your business to see it grow and succeed. 

5. Lack of accountability - with self employment, some people find it hard to stay accountable without a boss breathing down their neck but you're the boss so step up! Be you're own boss! Be accountable and do the work. If you're struggling find an accountability buddy to also in business to help. 

Business success can be yours. Rev your business bulldozer! 



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