Top Yoga Poses for Lacrosse Players to Improve Performance

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All these are crucial for lacrosse players to improve their performance. This article will discuss how practicing certain yoga poses can enhance a lacrosse player's game.

Unlike other sports, lacrosse is a highly demanding sport that requires players to have a combination of agility, strength, and mental focus. Every lacrosse player is in the pursuit to improve their game and unlock their maximum potential on the field. This is why lacrosse players actively look for ways to optimize their performance and prevent injuries. Considering all these needs, yoga is an excellent and healthy way to improve a lacrosse player's performance.

Yoga is an ancient practice that is practiced for various reasons but specifically for physical and mental well-being. The benefits it carries aren’t limited to certain things and therefore it can also be ideal for lacrosse players. Yoga can target various muscles in your body and importantly the ones that are engaged most in lacrosse. Incorporating certain yoga poses into your routine, you can level up your game as a lacrosse player efficiently.

Let's dig deeper into the topic and explore top yoga poses for lacrosse players to improve performance.

4 Yoga Poses Lacrosse Players Must Practice

Yoga is one practice that benefits the human body in multiple areas. For lacrosse players, it is highly recommended as it can improve mental focus, strength, and agility. All these are crucial for lacrosse players to improve their performance. This article will discuss how practicing certain yoga poses can enhance a lacrosse player's game. Keep reading to uncover everything you need to know.

Here are 4 yoga poses to incorporate into your routine as a lacrosse player.

1. Airplane Pose

Airplane pose is a fundamental yoga posture that carries countless benefits for lacrosse players. The reason why it's vital for lacrosse players is its positive impact on the core strength. It engages the core muscles to maintain stability and balance. A strong core is essential for lacrosse players to hit the shots with maximum power. Therefore, if you are looking to improve your on and off the field, you must practice this regularly.

You can start by standing on one leg. Then lean forward and extend your other leg straight behind your body. Ensure your torso and legs are in a straight line. You keep your arms straight towards your head or backward. Stay in this position for a few breaths and then repeat on the other side. However, as a beginner, you may struggle to practice this. This is why yogis head to Dubai hot yoga studio to practice this under the professional instructor's observation.

2. Standing Bow

The standing bow pose is also known as the dancer’s pose which is another beneficial pose for lacrosse players. The pose effectively stretches your muscles such as hip flexors and quadriceps which promotes flexibility in the hips. Through this, hip mobility increases and it improves range of motion and agility which is essential for lacrosse players. This enhances lacrosse player's ability to dodge and shoot more accurately.

Just like the airplane pose, you need to stand tall on one leg on the floor. Then bend the other leg knee to reach back to hold your foot or ankle. Extend the bent leg up while leaning your body forward simultaneously. Ensure that your torso and lifted leg are in the same line. You can extend your opposite arm forward to maintain the balance. Stay in this position for 5 – 10 breaths then repeat on the other leg.

3. Warrior 2 Pose

Warrior 2 pose is a widely practiced yoga posture that offers numerous benefits for the body. The lunge position in this pose can strengthen the legs which includes hamstrings, quadriceps, and calves. These muscles play a vital role for lacrosse players as they help in jumping, sprinting, and maintaining stability. Adding this to your routine can impact your game positively.

You can start this pose in a standing position with your legs wide apart. Then, turn your one foot out to the side and bend the knee. Then extend your arms parallel to the ground but in opposite directions of your body. Then your front foot is facing forward while the foot behind you is facing the side. Stay in this position for several breaths.

4. Cat Cow Pose

Cat cow can do wonders for lacrosse players because of its positive impact on the body. Moving through the movements of the cat and cow in this pose stretches your spine. This enhances flexibility and reduces the stiffness in the back. This flexibility in the spine can improve range of motion and agility. This can facilitate the dynamic movements that players experience on the field.

Start on your hands and knees, and keep your wrists aligned with your shoulder and knees under the hips. Inhale, and while doing so arch your back, and lift your head and the tailbone. Then, exhale as you open your chest. However, doing it improperly can cause a strain on the back. This is why you must practice this at yoga studio and let instructors help you do it.

Are You Looking to Improve Your Lacrosse Game with Yoga?

Yoga is indeed a highly beneficial practice for lacrosse players only when it's done right and without mistakes. You can practice this at a professional yoga studio to leverage a qualified instructor's expertise. Feel free to book your class in a friendly yoga studio and improve your lacrosse performance with yoga.

Read more: The Power of Yoga: Connecting Body, Mind, and Spirit

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