Market your tutoring business to people like they are an individual: not a generic person in a crowd

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One of the hardest things when starting a business is getting the first one or two people onboard beyond family and friends. It's like banging your head against a brick wall, and it's enough to make you want to scream, shout, cry. If others find it so easy, why are you finding

One of the hardest things about building a business is to get the first one or two people onboard, beyond family and friends. You know that you can offer something fantastic but trying to persuade others that you can do it is like banging your head against a brick wall, and it hurts.

People seem to belittle tutoring, something that students can do to earn a little bit of extra money, something to pick up your finances when they’re down.

If people say it’s so easy, why are you finding it so hard?

You kick and berate yourself.

Maybe you should quit?


Stop a moment, it’s not easy.

It takes huge amounts of hard work when you’re starting a business. It takes time and dedication.

Just throwing money at it won’t work either.

It will take time.

But each small step you take is taking you one step closer to your dream.

It might be a slow upward journey, but a journey of a thousand steps starts with the first one.


There are 2 things I would like to offer as advice to help.

1: When you write your profile talk about how you can help them as much as you talk about yourself:

Talk to them about them, not you

A click on your profile and they read:

“Hi, I’m Dawn and I tutor both maths and English. I’ve been tutoring for over 12 years now and have an additional 12 years of experience working in childcare and education prior to that. In addition, I also have a degree in childcare and education from the open university and also completed numerous other courses. I have published a book, created a membership group to support the parents of primary aged children. I have used the systems, techniques, and knowledge we have gained over the past 12 years to franchise the business.

I am mum to 3 adult children and do lessons both online and in the child’s home. I am available Monday to Sunday but having said that my remaining slots are limited. For prices and more information get in touch.”

That’s fine, I have covered all the basic information that they might need, I have explained the things I have achieved, but there is nothing personal in there.

Why me?

From that, what makes me different to any other tutor that they might read about. Ok, you might have a couple of testimonials to justify that you are good at what you do, but so many people are cynical about them and often dismiss them as being created by your friends and family.

In that profile I haven’t once mentioned how my knowledge and experience will benefit them.

That is what they want to know. How can you benefit them?

So, when you write your profile think about it from the perspective of a parent looking for a tutor for their own child.

What would they want to know?

This will change your focus and help you to write something far more beneficial to the family.


The second thing I suggest you always consider is: What can you do to make them feel special?

We all want to feel special.

If you are being served in the shop and you comment on how you like the cashier’s nails, you will inevitably bring a smile to their face.

You hold a door for someone and smile, they will smile too.

Although these aren’t relevant to tutoring there are so many things we can do to make those we work with feel special.

That’s what we need to do for those students and families we work with.

I would suggest that often the one most important thing we can offer to those students who are struggling is patience and a willingness to explain something in a different way without ever making them feel stupid.


Obviously in the franchise training we go through this together in great detail because your profile in particular is like your shop front, it’s what will entice people to get in touch with you.

The thing that will get the business moving forward.

 If you are interested in getting started as a tutor, potentially as a franchisee so that you have the support and systems in place to help you every step of the way, it may not be as expensive as you might think.

A Clara James Tutoring Franchise will cost you as little as £3,000 and with a monthly subscription of just £100 maybe it's a no brainer?

For more information CLICK HERE

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