Getting the Hang of the Power Automate Substring Function: A Complete Guide

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In the realm of mechanization, Power Automate (previously known as Microsoft Stream) stands apart as a powerful device for making work processes that coordinate different administrations and applications. One of the key highlights that can altogether improve your work processes is the subs

In the realm of mechanization, Power Automate (previously known as Microsoft Stream) stands apart as a powerful device for making work processes that coordinate different administrations and applications. One of the key highlights that can altogether improve your work processes is the substring function. This article digs into the Power Automate substring function, investigating its applications and giving reasonable guides to assist you with utilizing its maximum capacity.

What is the Power Automate Substring Function?

The substring function in Power Automate is a string control device that permits you to extricate a piece of a string in view of determined boundaries. This function is especially helpful while managing information change, text examination, or when you want to portion data in a more reasonable configuration.

Grammar of the Substring Function

The fundamental grammar for the substring function in Power Automate is as per the following:

substring(string, startIndex, length)

string: The text from which you need to separate a substring.

startIndex: The situation inside the string where the extraction starts (0-based file).

length: The quantity of characters you need to extricate.

Functional Models

How about we investigate a few viable situations where you could involve the substring function in Power Automate:

Separating a Client's Initials

Assume you have a complete name, John Doe, and you want to remove the initials JD for a hello or personalization. You can accomplish this with the substring function.

substring(triggerOutputs()?['body/Name'], 0, 1)  // Extracts 'J'

substring(triggerOutputs()?['body/Name'], 5, 1)  // Extracts 'D'

Here, the substring function is utilized to get characters from the predetermined lists.

Parsing Dates

On the off chance that you're managing a date string like 2024-08-03 and you need to extricate the year or month, the substring function can be exceptionally helpful.

substring('2024-08-03', 0, 4)  // Extracts '2024'

substring('2024-08-03', 5, 2)  // Extracts '08'

This permits you to deal with date data progressively inside your work process.

Taking care of Dynamic Information

While working with information that changes much of the time, for example, extricating values from a JSON object or a progressively created email body, the substring function segregates explicit snippets of data.

substring(triggerOutputs()?['body/EmailBody'], indexOf(triggerOutputs()?['body/EmailBody'], 'Start') + 6, indexOf(triggerOutputs()?['body/EmailBody'], 'End') - indexOf(triggerOutputs()?['body/EmailBody'], 'Start') - 6)

This model concentrates text between two catchphrases powerfully.

Methods for Utilizing the Substring Function

Guarantee Legitimate Ordering: Recall that the substring function utilizes 0-based ordering. Guarantee your startIndex and length boundaries are exact to stay away from blunders.

Handle Exemptions: Consider situations where the string may be more limited than the normal length. Use conditionals to effortlessly deal with such cases.

Join with Different Functions: Consolidate the substring function with other Power Automate functions like indexOf and concat for more mind boggling text controls.


The Power Automate substring function is a flexible device that can fundamentally improve your work processes by permitting exact command over text information. Whether you're removing initials, parsing dates, or dealing with dynamic substance, dominating this function can smooth out your mechanization processes and further develop your information the board abilities.

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