How to Override an Existing Lookup Method Event Handler in Dynamics 365

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A wide range of customization options are available in Dynamics 365 (D365) to allow the system to be tailored to specific business requirements. To alter or expand the lookup fields' default behavior, one way to customize them is to override an existing lookup method event handler fo


A wide range of customization options are available in Dynamics 365 (D365) to allow the system to be tailored to specific business requirements. To alter or expand the lookup fields' default behavior, one way to customize them is to override an existing lookup method event handler for the lookup methods that are already in place. This feature is essential for adding further functionality to the lookup process or applying custom logic. To ensure you can effectively personalize the lookup experience to match your needs, we will walk you through the process of overriding an existing lookup method event handler in D365 in this article.

How to Override an Event Handler for a Lookup Method: A Comprehensive Guide

1.Recognize the Current Lookup Technique:

Learn how the current method you want to change behaves by default before overriding a lookup method. Usually, this entails comprehending how the lookup field retrieves and shows information.

2.Determine the Event Manager:

Choose the method or event handler that has to be overridden. Usually, this has to do with the field or form that uses the lookup.

Common event handlers in Dynamics 365 for lookup fields include functions that deal with the OnLookup event or something similar.

3.Configure the Environment for Development:

Make sure you have access to the required tools, including Visual Studio and the Dynamics 365 SDK, as well as the Dynamics 365 development environment.

To apply the adjustments, open Visual Studio and either create a new project or use an already-existing one.

4.Make a New Web Resource with JavaScript:

JavaScript is usually used to override lookup methods in Dynamics 365. Establish a fresh JavaScript online resource within your D365 setting.

Include the JavaScript code that will replace the current lookup technique. As an illustration:


var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext(); copy code for the function customLookupHandler(executionContext) {

// Personalized reasoning to supersede the current lookup behavior formgetControl("lookupFieldName") in Context.addOnLookupTagClick(function() { // Your custom code here }); }

Change the Form to Add Your Own JavaScript

Navigate to the entity's form editor and use the lookup field there.

You can add your own JavaScript online resource to the form attributes.

Configure the lookup field's event handler to invoke your unique JavaScript function. Make that your custom function, like OnChange or OnLookup, is registered for the appropriate event.

5.Modify the References for the Form Script:

Make that the event handlers on the form are correctly referencing the new JavaScript web resource. This can entail adding new event handlers or modifying the ones that already exist to incorporate your own custom logic.

6.Check the Behavior of Your Custom Lookup:

After making your modifications, publish the form and test it to make sure the custom lookup method is operating as it should.

Check that the lookup field operates as you have specified and that your custom logic is being implemented successfully.

7.Address Possible Problems:

Keep an eye on the behavior of the custom lookup to spot and fix any problems. Typical problems could be improper event handling or script incompatibilities.

To diagnose and improve your implementation, make use of the developer tools and Dynamics 365 debugging options available in the browser.


The basic functionality of lookup fields in Dynamics 365 can be effectively customized and expanded by overriding an existing lookup method event handler. By following the instructions in this tutorial, which start with comprehending the current procedure By configuring your development environment to putting your unique JavaScript into practice and testing it—you can successfully modify the lookup experience to satisfy particular business requirements. In addition to improving user experience, this modification guarantees that the lookup fields meet the particular needs and operations of your company. Once you have mastered this approach, you will be able to use Dynamics 365 to design apps that are more responsive and dynamic, which will improve results and boost productivity.

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