It’s that time of year 🤧
Everyone starting to cough, sneeze & sniffle and the thought of having to have time off as we head into the busiest time of the year for hair & beauty pros is always at the back of your mind!
Instead of waiting for it to happen, act now!
Start by giving your body all the nutrients you can, increase your vitamin intake, boost your immune system with a cell protect and if you are a salon owner give your team a winter care pack to keep them in top form!
My winter care pack consists of:
🍓 Phytoreds - to boost my intake of red fruits and vegetables
🥦 Phytogreens - to boost my intake of all the dark green veggies (plus contains spirulina which is great for cellulite 🙌🏻)
🧫 Cell Protect - Antioxidant to protect my cells from free radicals
💊 Multivitamin - 18 vitamins, minerals and nutrients 🙌🏻
🧬 Trim Collagen - the most abundant protein in the body which we start depleting at the age of 25, not only helps with hair, skin and nails but also joints, ligaments and weight management (I want to feel great from the inside out)
☕️ Logiq Coffee - switching out my normal coffee for this super coffee! Not only contains collagen but also lemon balm, Asian ginseng & Gotu Kola!
If you want to take it one step further you could introduce a winter drinks menu to your clients and offer them a health boosting drink too 🙌🏻
Let me know in the comments if you are being proactive about the winter months or if you are going to cross your fingers and hope and pray you don’t get struck down with the lurgy 🙏🏻
I’m doing everything I can to protect myself this winter from the coughs, colds and lurgy 🤧
Dawn Bridgehouse Bridgehouse
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