Do you have to reveal all your business and air your dirty laundry to have an inpactful personal brand? 🤔...
But will you go on a journey deep into your soul to discover your TRUTH? 😘
Absolutely yes...
That journey won't spare anyone
In fact I almost have it as a disclaimer when people start in my team...
"Are you ready for the Wild ride because sh*ts about to get real!!" 😱😱
Most people come to me to start an online business because they want more time or more money
But later what they realise is that they enter probably the most self healing phase of their life
Some people think this is just about selling water machines 💦
Pfft!! 😆😂😂😂
It's about soooo much more than that
And I haven't been spared the call to uncover every stone in my life
To look under every swept under "carpet"
To go first in saying "this generational trauma stops with me"
Because being the authentic you requires all of this
And that road doesn't always look pretty 👀
But is it worth it?...
1000%!!! 💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎