Here it is eeekkk its finally here and im officially super excited, i cant stop smiling

Hear Me Evolve - Voices of the Collective

21 Voices
21 Chapters of inspiration, hope and reality.

The Voices of 21 remarkable women, sharing their journeys, raw, real and authentic and honestly this book has taken my whole heart 🤍

This a collaboration of truth and hope, combined with knowledge, wisdom and of course love.

Every page turned is a reminder of a journey many of us will resonate with. The journey of silence, but this is no longer our journey.

Every page turned is a reminder that we can collectively come together to create enough strength to serve all.

The proceeds of Hear Me Evolve will be donated to Hopefull Handbags Global so they can continue to support those affected by domestic abuse.

Together we are stronger, together we will evolve 🙌


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