✨️ New Moon and Eclipse in Libra today ✨️


As we enter into the new moon in Libra as always with new moons it is a great time for intention setting as to what you are bringing into the light as the next phase begins and the light comes back and we progress through the phases. This is particularly potent this month because we also have the solar eclipse!

This new moon being in Libra which is ruled by Venus is about moving forward with love, life and new beginnings that sometimes arent in the obvious way that we want them to be.

Venus at this time (the ruler of Libra) however is opposite Saturn which further gives us the need and energy to create and have balance in our physical and emotional lives.

You may feel around this eclipse the need to slow things down in order to give yourself time for reflection of the practical, the emotional and the physical. Lots of people will crave being in their own space and own energy over being with others.

There is so much to this new moon energy which is about clearing space in your life to achieve the things that you want to work towards. It is about being logical, the element of air gives us that focus to balance the emotional with the practical and make the choices that are best for the long term plans and not just the short term gains.

Going slower can feel frustrating but we may have to remind ourselves that sometimes although it feels difficult not getting the results straight away remember we are in October which is an 8 month symbolising that anything is possible, we can attract anything, we just sometimes have to do this in the right way, right order and trust that the right time will come about for us to have all of the things that we desire and the things that we are creating if we lean into this energy right now will help us to achieve and have those things in the longer term plan of our lives. The seeds we plant today and nurture for example may give us the fruits of February next year.

🙏💜 Happy New Moon 🙏💜
⚖️ Bring it back to balance and set your intentions to move forward ⚖️
