Not your usual Christmas signs - but ones I KNOW you need on hand this holiday season.

Every quarter I release our gorgeous seasonal baby signing topics - and the first time I released our Christmas / Winter topic packs, I received this testimonial from lovely Becca.

'Example supporting the importance of the 'home' sign as described in the mini topic 🙂

We had our Toddler group Christmas party this morning - a led session of sensory songs and lights and stuff.

My 14 month old wandered to the door and signed home just half an hour in!

I was a little sad as we hadn't got to Santa or food yet! So I took him to a quiet corner for milk, then he rejoined the party fairly happily.

He asked again when Santa came in the door.

And I finally listened and took him home early once he'd had a bit to eat.

At home he signed 'sleep' and lo and behold had a (albeit short) nap nearly 2 hours earlier than normal!

So, as Shelley says, keep an eye on your littlies getting overstimulated this time of year.'

As excitement for our small folk mounts, making the most of quiet moments together boosts confidence, makes wonderful connections in the brain and helps with new language too.

There is such richness in the simple, everyday discoveries of small folk.

When give them the gift of baby signing, we receive back the priceless gift of a window into their world.

And when we slow down, when we take time to discover the wonder around us through the eyes of our little ones, we are rewarded with the sweetest and most beautiful moments of bonding and belonging.

Honestly, it’s not to be missed.

Shelley x

#parenting #overwhelm #toddlers #babies #tired #comfort #communication #babysign #babysigning #notjustforbabies #christmas #holidayseason #toddlertantrums #meltdown #earlyyears #sensoryoverload #responsiveparenting #slowdown #bsl #britishsignlanguage #bslhome #babysignshome

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