🫵🏻How will you show up for yourself in 2024? 💓🙌

➡️For me January is a clean page and a chance to create a new story for the year ahead.

I always have big plans, not all of them materialise, however, when I show up daily they do!

Like writing my book, I wrote at 6am every morning until it was done.

🙌The more you show up for yourself, the more you will achieve and the more you will value yourself.

The more you value yourself, the more you will flourish!

So what does showing up for yourself look like?

Well, this is different for everyone…

🧚it may be getting up and completing your morning routine

🧚it may be practicing daily gratitude

🧚it may be stepping out of your comfort zone with networking, or trying a new sport

🧚 it may be meal prepping so you nourish your body with ease

🧚 or it may be something else!

I’d love to know how you will show up for yourself in 2024.

For me it’s about my morning routine, I know when I smash this I feel good for the rest of the day, I’m more productive and I thrive. 💖
