Just over 4 years ago I partnered with what I thought was a little catalogue company. I wasn’t looking for the big shiny exciting place. I was looking for security, something long standing, with products that are easy to sell. I wasn’t thinking about building a huge team, about global domination. I just wanted to fill my oil tank.

But what I discovered was an untouched diamond. Everything I’ve ever wanted in a company! I swear I manifested it, and all the uncomfortable phases I had been through for the last few years was just pushing me to where I needed to be! I saw this video on TikTok that explained that when you have a vision and goals, the universe quite literally sabotages anything in your path. Which at the time may not make any sense. But once you fall on the right track you see that everything had to happen that way!

Anyway, 4 years in and we’re still gaining momentum. 4 years in and this company hasn’t put a foot wrong!

And 4 years in and I can now see just how big this opportunity is, to be a part of a stable company, which is 56 years old! With over 1000 mega affordable products! A company with a whole sustainability department! A company which pays out an incredible commission and bonuses with multiple incentive trips to earn! A company that’s HUGE in other markets, popping millionaires like popcorn, yet still so small in the UK & Irish market! It doesn’t take much to see just how huge this opportunity is!

So this is where I’m gonna be real…

If there was ever a perfect time to join it’s now. We’ve found our feet as a team, we have 100% trust in the company. We see the huge vision. And momentum has well and truly hit! And we’re now in the biggest time of the year.

If money and bonuses motivate you- this company is for you! ✅

If travelling the beaches of the world motivates you- this company is for you! ✅

If science and sustainability motivates you- this company is for you!✅

If helping others, whether it’s charity work or helping people make money or save money motivates you- this company is for you! ✅

I’m looking for people to either do this as a side hustle- make some pocket money. Or for leaders, this is a massively lucrative opportunity for the right person to come and build something huge! This company will match any vision or goal you have and then some!!

The current bonuses we have available total over 💷220K. We have incentive trips currently running to Kos, Thailand and Austria!🌍 And most of all, a team that’s here to support but also gives you space to spread your wings and fly without interfering. If you know how you want to build this- go for it!! No egos here!

You can either keep watching- or get in on this and change your freakin life!! 🚀

If you’ve got this far- LETS CHAT! 🥰

