This means soooooo much to me, because I've worked my ass off for a long time to get to this point.

I announced a while ago that I was looking for beta testers for my brand-new Fashioning Futures AI branding biz and here is what we created for one of the lovely ladies who applied.

Roxie is a mum and a teacher, who wanted to incorporate elements of being a mum and a teacher into her brand so it would be distinctive and memorable.

👉We used images of the mermaid under the sea, teaching sea creatures in the classroom, reading stories to young mermaids, and integrating educational and nurturing themes into her brand.

👉We used visuals to create a series of content for social media where the mermaid character goes through adventures that subtly incorporate teaching and parenting lessons through storytelling, fashion and self-love.

We worked on so much over the last few weeks and this is what we created together.

I am so proud of this moment right here.

My work is unique, it's different and eye-catching.

Roxie now has the tools to create whatever she wants whenever she wants.

I am looking for two more beta testers and in return I only ask for a testimonial. If you want to apply, send me a DM and I will send over the info where you can apply to be one of our beta testers in March.

I'm looking forward to helping more people bring out their unique and creative stories and identities into their brands using self-love, fashion, storytelling and many AI tools.

Demi x
