Well I walk my talk.

Even if it takes a shout down from the heavens to say sit the duck down.
I’ve done some unravelling this week- it was simply time.
The beauty here is the energy practice that helps me allow it all through - being held in that space by another incredible human who taught me how to hold space in the same powerful way for you.
Unravelling takes feeling safe enough, and removing avoidance and business - and what’s become clear to me is there still isn’t enough stillness in my world for me to do this on a regular basis and let go of all the shizzle , for it not to build up into a crescendo, a torrent of tears.
Lord do I feel better for it. Having the safe space in myself to unpack it but also in having someone else just get it.

We can try too hard. It’s a thing. Masculine energy takes over in the doing and thinking - I see you, you do it too.

I’m not free of doing the things that don’t serve me and my business and you- what I have are incredible ways to find the space to sit and be and allow.
To make sense of it all and even more - to see a clear path ahead again out of the ickiness of allowing the feelings and emotions to flow.

This is how we grow. This is how we get to shine our lights even brighter.

So today was a day of flow … of all the thoughts, words and tears among the meetings and the sitting in the sunshine and the gift to myself of sleep.

Because with my hand on my heart and tapping into what I needed the most- this mama bear just needed to climb under the duvet and sleep. No demands, nobody needed me, except me. I needed me to ground and centre again. So I stepped off the world for a while and did just that. Phone off. (Seems I broke the internet when I did that- oops sorry )

So what’s next- amazing epic shit, and I’m ducking here for it ! 😂😂💖💖🥰🥰
Love ya- and don’t forget - if you don’t know what to do next- stop, and listen . And if this feels hard or scary to do, I’m here to guide you - this will change the game for you . It goes waayyy deeper than heading off to bed on a school day 💖🥰 watch.
