💖I am very familiar with the demands on you..I’ve been there.

💖I am very familiar with both the corporate and self employed scenario and run a business supporting women’s well-being and cancer journeys because life after cancer, and you aren’t the same, but your role at work probably is.

💖I know.
I know the whole complexity of it.
That getting through treatment was everything then you could all just go back to normal, except that doesn’t exist anymore for you.

💖You can feel out of place in your own life, head, body… there are so many things to adjust too.. especially after hair loss and surgery.
It’s alot, and it’s a lot that nobody else can appreciate or understand- but I do.

💖I know that the impact runs way deeper than the diagnosis and that if you bury it, you will never settle, carrying everything, it will wear you down.

💖 I also know that The fear is there, all the time. And that you are anxious.

💖What if I told you this could be easier? That there is a way to ease your emotions and get off the rollercoaster? That you could recover quicker when you learn about the connection between the energetic, emotional and physical body… and work with all of it in a powerful energetic way.. so that you feel lighter, brighter and that there is light ahead of you too..
I’d love to share this with you …
There are two opportunities to work with me available for the next few days..

💖One is an hour 121 experience that shines the light on why you feel the way you do now…
💖and the other a beautiful 5 week group programme for women ready to heal and thrive, where we explore the emotional and energetic impact of your experiences in the safety of a held space with someone who completely understands you,
Dm me 121 or group for more details,
Love Rachel xxx 💖💫🙏🏻
#breastcancerawareness #breastcancercoach #breastcancerthriver #breastcancersurvivorsupport
#energywork #healandthrive
