Seven columns- the ones I used to get well, are the ones I still use to be well today.

💖The same columns that can support you too, no matter where you are in your cancer journey. It's never too late to upgrade the way you advocate for and care for yourself. You don't need anyone's permission.

🌿This way of life helps me continue to thrive and recover and heal.
Close to nature close to food in the most natural state, close and natural chemical free products closely connected to what my body and mind needed.

💖Each column supported and supports me every system in my three bodies, my physical, emotional and energetic bodies.

🌿Oils and supplements supported my emotions immune system respiratory system, digestive system, anxiety skin, her nervous system energy work, and they still do

💖keto for cancer and fasting supported my digestive system, my cognitive function, cellular function, my energy levels and increase the efficacy of chemo. Read that one again.

🌿Yes, I had chemo. I had to navigate all of those that disagreed or agree to it. When I was taking time to decide. I was going to do gold standard of every column. And that eventually included chemo as I was prepared to negate every side effect naturally, and I did. In fact, I bounced back after every steroid drop and thrive very different to everyone else that wasn't focusing on their own well being in the same way that I was.

🌿Juicing supported my digestive system seven function immune system energy levels sanity, and emotions?

💖Emotional and energetics column supporting my anxiety my fear immune system sleep overwhelm loneliness nervous system, and the whole spectrum of emotions and confidence to advocate for myself every damn day.

🌿Oxygen and cold therapy supported every single cell immune system, nervous system, emotion, cellular function, mental well being anxiety, loneliness, overwhelm fear, and being absolutely determined not to leave my five year old my husband, my family, my friends.

💖Surgery supported my mental health, my future proofing my recovery, my loneliness leading to an incredible community of flight empowered women and supported my voice.

Seven columns of integrative self care for cancer. This can all feel so overwhelming and can take months and months to figure out. I can save you time , money and heartache. I’ve created an accredited course for you where you can learn about all of this, with easy access, any time - in as little as 7 days…contact me for details or to arrange a 121, love Rachel xx
