Tailoring Meditation to Your Unique Self: The Fusion of Doshas and Mindfulness

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Discover why a one-size-fits-all approach to meditation might not have worked for you and uncover the reasons behind it. Join me as I guide you through the art of tailoring meditation to your individuality, rooted in the profound understanding of Ayurvedic doshas.

Welcome to a world where ancient wisdom meets individual needs. I'm Shagun, a meditation teacher and an Ayurvedic practitioner in training, passionate about creating a personalized approach to wellness. My journey has led me to a profound realization: just as each individual is unique, so too should be their path to inner peace and balance. This blog aims to explore how understanding your Ayurvedic dosha can enhance your meditation practice, offering a truly bespoke experience.

Understanding Doshas: Ayurveda’s Insight into Your Unique Nature
In Ayurveda, doshas are the fundamental energies that govern our physical and mental processes. There are three main doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha – each with its distinct characteristics. Knowing your predominant dosha can provide invaluable insights into your natural tendencies, health, and behavior.

  • Vata (Air Space): If Vata is your primary dosha, you might be creative, energetic, and always on the move. However, when out of balance, you may experience anxiety and inconsistency.
  • Pitta (Fire Water):Dominant Pitta individuals are often ambitious, intelligent, and driven. Imbalance can manifest as irritability or impatience.
  • Kapha (Earth Water):Those with a Kapha constitution tend to be calm, loving, and loyal, but might struggle with lethargy or stubbornness when not in harmony.

Personalising Meditation According to Your Dosha
As a meditation teacher, I understand that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work. Here’s how I tailor meditation practices to suit different dosha types:

  • Vata:Focus on grounding and calming meditations. Guided visualizations that encourage stability and warmth can be particularly beneficial.
  • Pitta: Cooling and relaxing techniques work best. Meditations that foster compassion and patience help balance Pitta’s fiery nature.
  • Kapha:Energizing practices are ideal. Dynamic meditations that stimulate movement and invigorate the mind are effective for Kapha types.

My Approach: Blending Meditation with Dosha Understanding

In my practice, I strive to offer a holistic approach to meditation, aligning your mental wellness journey with your Ayurvedic constitution. This unique fusion ensures that your meditation practice supports your overall well-being, in harmony with your natural tendencies. Here's what I offer:

  • Bespoke Meditation Programs: Tailored sessions that align with your dosha, addressing your specific needs and goals. Starting March 2024. 
  • Educational Workshops: Learn about doshas and how to identify yours, along with meditation techniques that best suit your type. Subscribe to my community to get first hand notification of a face-fave or online workshop. 
  • Supportive Community: Join a group of like-minded individuals on a journey to balanced living, where we share experiences, insights, and grow together.

Join the Journey to Self-Discovery
Whether you’re new to meditation and Ayurveda or looking to deepen your practice, I invite you to explore this personalized path. Understanding your dosha can be a game-changer in how you approach meditation and overall wellness.

For more information stay connected with me and subscribe for all the updates and to connect with me for personalised sessions, please visit here. Let’s embark on this enlightening journey together, embracing the uniqueness of your natural self.


With heart-filled gratitude.


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