Wellness or Well being?

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Is there a difference or is it the tone in which you say it?


I am Stacey, a mum of 4 boys,

I live in Brisbane and am currently 13 weeks into a self-journey.

What does that mean exactly?

13 weeks ago, I walked into my doctor's surgery and said, I am old, grumpy, tired, not sleeping well and poor diet.

I got here because I put myself last, do you feel me?

Are you this person, too?


I have had full blood, stool samples, full abdominal ultrasounds and pelvic ultrasounds, an endoscopy and a colonoscopy.

I am on Mounjaro and have a healthy eating plan. I reduce sugar, sweet treats, and soft drinks, and I balance out my meals, so I sit and eat, not in the car on the run.

I have reduced my BMI by 1 unit so far. My goal is to get to 20BMI, and that's not by growing taller. 


I want to be able to feel active so I can sleep better, reduce stress, and improve my health to live a better lifestyle.

Follow me to see how I go and what I learn along the way.


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