My Journey

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At 50 I have had a year that flicked the switch

Hello Beautiful Lady,

You are worthy

You can do what you want

You have the skills

You have the Tools


What is stopping you?

I have repeated this in my head for so long that it's like white noise.


It's like rinse and repeat.


What has made me take action now?

I am starting to believe it now I am worthy


I have given of myself for so long I didn't realise what I was actually doing was quietening myself.


So here I am, writing here for the second week in a row because, really, who will see, right?

 World Wide Web has access, but who will actually see and read this?

Who will it resonate with?


I am taking action. I have a plan now, and I will stick to it because I am letting myself down otherwise.


I want to be honest and say it's scary because I cannot change without changing years of patterns in my daily life.

I need to get up and get out of my own way.


Fabulous and Fierce

Yes, I have now started on my wellness journey, and I have found an amazing Doctor who has been supporting my journey.

I use Mounjaro weekly to appress my appetite. 

I want to be able to tie up my shoes because I can't reach them right now.

I want to earn $80,000 over the course of a year as that will allow me sufficient funds to live my current lifestyle and have holidays and fun with the family.

I want 3 holidays a year with 2 weekends away. 

I want to finish my degree and complete my studies by 2026.


I have found my plan to walk and exercise every morning for at least 30 minutes.

To have work time at my day job for 5 hrs a day

To have my Business earning $40000 a year

I have a house that is free of toxic chemicals and that my family are proud to call home.


Much love Stacey


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