There is always Safety In Numbers!!....Everyone Knows That!!!

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As much as you may have realised that you need help in your business, you are struggling and you need someone to guide you so you can push your business forward - you just aren't ready to do it alone, just yet! That's the beauty of group coaching courses - there is safety in nu

The First Step Has Been Taken!

You have made the first major decision! To invest in yourself.  You have realised that you are not moving forward in your business or with yourself and in a nutshell you are struggling a bit.  Enough is enough and you are going to get a coach.  This is a BIG step now.  It's now starting to sound all grown up and like a real business person...ohhhh this is even more scary!!!  What the frig do I do now????


Finding Out All the Options!

It would be easy to go to the first coach that you see and part with your hard earned cash and say 'I would like to work with you please' - but that is not how it happens, I'm sure that we all know that ( we do don't we?! )

You will be following people on your Social Media, so you will know what style of coaching you like.  You should know how you like to learn - do you like video, do you like listening to people, do you like watching people, do you like listen watching and then having chance to implement. - take that into consideration when you are considering a coaching course.

Do you want a group course or do you want 121.  Which one is going to be more beneficial to you?


Safety In Numbers

If you have made the decision to invest in some coaching because you aren't moving your business forward, there will be a very strong chance that there will be some mindset barriers along the way somewhere.

This could be causing you some anxieties, the fact that you are going to be pushing yourself out of your comfort zone during the coaching sessions.  You may not admit this to yourself, people may not say anything to you, but deep down you know that you are going to have to push yourself.

This could be something you aren't comfortable with in a 121 situation, likewise you may not be comfortable in a group situation either.  But in a group, there would be a feeling of safety in numbers.  You would realise that others felt the same as you, that you weren't the only one feeling that way too.  You could actually grow together, learn from each other, bond together, cheer each other on.

Sounds pretty fabulous doesn't it?


Another Solution!!!!

What if you could have the best of both worlds?  What if you could have a group coaching course, which also offered 121 sessions too.  One week you had group sessions and the following week you had a 121 session!  How fabulous would that be?

You get to be in an environment where you can share experiences with other likeminded business women, be part of a group of women who knew how you felt, learn together, cheer each other on, grow your business, grow your confidence.

Not only that, you would also have a 121 coaching session every other week so that you had a coach have their eyes on your business, give their help and guidance on your personal development and be able to see how you can push your business forward so that you can build the success you desire.


You can actually have this.

This course does exist.

My Business Mindset Alchemy Group Course does exactly what I have said.  It's an 8 week course, one week it's a group coaching session, the next week it's 121 coaching. The course is only for a small number of people so that everyone gets heard. 

Gain clarity on who you are, what you do and who you serve, identify and work through mindset barriers and create a bespoke action plan so you can push your business forward to build success however that looks for you.


If you would like more information about this course which starts 28th August (kick start your business after the summer holidays!) get in touch and lets get your name down.




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