Successful Female Creators Do Less and Gain More Freedom

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A Simple structure for female entrepreneurs to gain more freedom while doing less and creating more. Without the overwhelm or burnout.

I’ve spent countless hours visualizing what freedom would look like in my life. Freedom to work on my terms, with my schedule, my location, my creativity, and yes, my financial independence. It’s why I became an entrepreneur in the first place: to have control over my time and my life.

But here’s the thing about freedom: when you have too much of it, it becomes overwhelming. Freedom can quickly turn into its own burden.

Too much of any good thing causes complexity and can feel overwhelming especially when you’re building an audience or a new business.  When it comes to productivity, creativity, and profitability, I have found it helpful to embrace structure with simplicity. 

Structure may feel like the opposite of freedom. But, in my experience limitations create a space where less can be more.  

In this blog post, I want to show how to use a simple structure to grow your audience and business.

Let’s get to it.

The Downfall of Too Many Choices

Have you ever been to a restaurant with a menu 12 pages long??  

At first you might love it with sooo many choices.  But, when it comes to actually ordering the struggle becomes apparent.  

All those choices are actually a burden to narrow down.  

This is a great example of The Paradox of Choice.

The more options we have, the harder it becomes to make decisions. And as female entrepreneurs, we experience this on a daily basis. We have so many ideas, passions, and possibilities in front of us. The world feels like our oyster—but we can’t even begin to know where to start.

The result? We spread ourselves too thin, our focus becomes scattered, and instead of creating momentum, we end up feeling stuck. We try to appeal to everyone, and in the process, we end up attracting no one.

Sound familiar?

This is exactly why freedom without limits can feel like a curse rather than a blessing. Too many choices, too many ideas, and too much “freedom” can leave us overwhelmed and paralyzed. This is where we often struggle with analysis paralysis and get nothing done. 

But here’s the truth: freedom is best experienced within limits.

The Power of Limitations

It might sound counterintuitive, but limitations actually create freedom. When we have limits, we can focus. We can make decisions faster. We can take action and get results—all in less time.

Let’s look at some real-life examples:

  • Twitter’s 280-character limit: When Twitter restricted the number of characters per tweet, it didn’t stifle creativity. In fact, it redefined how people communicate in a concise, impactful way.


  • Profit First:  Creates a cash management system that limits the funds used to run your business and creates more profit for the business.


  • The Ultimate Blog Challenge:  They run a 30 day challenge for writing a blog every day for 30 days.  The time limit creates space for people to get into action with the rewards of blog engagement and growing their audience.  

Applying Limitations in Your Business

  • Create Your Female Business Plan
    Forget about trying to fit your business into a traditional “male” business model. At Truth Bomb Academy, we teach you how to embrace your natural female business cycle and build a plan that works with your energy levels and life rhythms. Instead of constantly fighting burnout, we help you design a business that flows with your life, not against it.


  • Limit Your Marketing to One Platform
    Limit yourself to one social media channel for a month, and see what happens.  You’ll be surprised how much you learn about that one platform.  Choose the one you’re on the most and most comfortable with.  Consider what media you like:  video (Long (YouTube) or short form (almost anywhere), audio (Podcast), or written media (Blog).  


  • Time Management the Female Way
    Consider setting an intention you want to create for the month or the week.  In our course A MillionHer In Time we show women how they create time through their feelings and prioritizing.  Following your rhythm and flow as a woman you stop wasting time and the frustration of managing time. 


  • Set Cash Flow Limits
    Just like you need limits on your time and focus, your cash flow also needs structure. By setting limits on your operational expenses and marketing budget, you’ll free up more resources for growth and profitability. You’ll be surprised at how much more you can accomplish when you stop overspending and start focusing on profitability.

Embracing Constraints in Your Business 

Start small.

Business growth does not have to happen in 30 or 90 days.  A successful business is more like a marathon than a sprint.  The women in Truth Bomb Academy discover the flow that works for them.  

Too often we have modeled the male version of business growth and this has led women to build amazing businesses and then burn out, get overwhelmed and even quit before they reach their full potential.  

Women work within the circadian clock that men do but, we also have an infradian clock that helps us manage our energy and what parts of our business we should focus on each week of the month.  

It can be as simple as tracking your energy and the distinct phase of your infradian phase you are in.  These phases influence our thoughts, hormones, health and energy.  By understanding this dual cycle, we can adjust our approach to time, making each day, week, and month work in harmony with our unique phases.  

Here inside Truth Bomb Academy we help women do just that.  They are building successful businesses that are more in tune with their true desires, and avoiding the overwhelm and burn out so many experience when they don’t incorporate the female business cycle. 

Ready to ditch the overwhelm and finally build a business that works for you?

Our unique methodology of business development and growth is customized to women and their needs depending on where they are at in their lives, seasons, and desires. Unlocking My Millions™ provides guided business training and development to support women in growing their businesses without sacrificing their health, sanity, family, or relationships.

It’s free to download the Truth Bomb Academy app and connect with amazing women from all over the world and in different businesses. Welcome to the CreatHER™ Campus.

Your Sister in Business,

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