is single parenting the same as solo parenting

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I always say the 2 are significantly different.

Parenting is hard at the best of times…

Single parenting whilst co-parenting is hard …..

And that’s with 2 parents working together to create a secure foundation for their children.

And today’s current situation around cost of living makes this task for any parent 10 times harder.

So image …..doing all that on your own whilst still dodging bullets of abuse from the perpetrator, who uses the children as a source to intimidate and instill fear from a far.

And then imagine experiencing all that and feeling like the people you turn to for help are also against you. And in many cases facilitating the abuse for the abuser.

Imagine knowing the children are terrified of their other parent and having to force your child to go to a war zone.

Yes the courts and children’s services force many children to go somewhere they openly express they do not feel safe.

Imagine seeing your child walk away with the man who’s terrorised you both for years.

And then society blames the mother when the child starts to get into trouble with the law….. gets mixed up with the wrong crowd to feel a sense of belonging…… starts abusing alcohol or substances……

And society also becomes judgmental when that child displays signs of aggression.
They blame the mother’s parenting skills.

The child has been forced to live in a war zone …..Their system has had to learn to survive and cope in the best way it knows how.

And the only parent that carers and tried to help the child is the safe parent who is being blamed often for this destructive behaviour.

So Yes there’s no denying Parenting in this generation is hard but imagine the pressure on a parent who is solo parenting whilst fighting the enemy who is hell bent on hurting and destroying your child’s future.

Domestic abuse is domestic terrorism.

Theres a huge difference between single parents and sole parenting.

Sole parents don’t have any support and they do it all alone…..

I think myself lucky 

Our abuser has left us in peace since I relived him of his financial responsibilities to our child.

Is it still tough burdening all the responsibilities on my own ?

Hell yes but I’m not doing this whilst fighting the enemy.

Sole parenting is about choosing your battles.

But many sole parents don’t get the chance to choose.

This is why it needs us ALL to say NO to domestic abuse and stalking.

The guy in the video was raised by a sole parent and although he says single mammas you are doing an amazing job….id like to say

Solo mamas you are doing an amazing job because the solo and single parenting is hugely different

Where are all my solo mammas …. Say hi in the comments 

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Great post.