3 simple ways to calm the chaos with Jin Shin Jyutsu

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Chaos is swirling all around us all too often. Here are 3 key tips to ease the chaos and bring your back to calm.

It’s all a bit much these days.

We’ve been through a pandemic, economic crises, and the busy-ness of October– often things seem chaotic, stressful, and beyond our control. Some of us have suffered with our health and others have been affected through fears and restrictions.

So much chaos in the world – and it can create chaos in your body as well. When things are overwhelming, you may have difficulty settling, thinking, or even just being with yourself. I can remember times when my whole being was filled with chaos. The muscle tension, the headaches, the general feeling of struggling through the day.

Three top ways you can help yourself - simply and easily with JSJ (Jin Shin Jyutsu): 1) reduce the chaos, 2) detox your body, and 3) strengthen your immune system.

1) Reduce the chaos with JSJ

When you face challenging situations, it can bring chaos into your life. While there's no magic wand, you can improve things by embracing chaos as recommended by Bob Migiani. But you can support yourself energetically - right now and right here! Here's a simple tip you can use right now: 

The Big Hug: Simply cross your arms, and place each hand in the opposite armpit.

Relax, drop your shoulders, and breathe. Let the tension melt away. Be aware of how you're feeling right now.

As a bit of background, we have energy centres in the body that can help support us. There's an energy centre under each of your arms at the edge of the shoulder blade that helps every part of your being - mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Photo description: Picture of Jackie a woman with brown hair, wearing glasses, a black jumper and a purple scarf. She's smiling and crossing her arms and holding under her armpits.

This is just one of many holds that can help. For example,

Top-to-bottom harmony is another simple hold that helps ease chaos anywhere in your body. If you'd like to know more, I can help you with this.

2) Detox your body with JSJ

 Everyday challenges can leave pent-up tension and residues in your body. Even more so when you have added things for your body to deal with. Whether it’s radiation from X-rays, medication that you're taking, or even environmental toxins that are everywhere. These can tax your systems. To help your body process things more efficiently, there's a simple sequence. 

If you’d like to learn how to support your body further during this time, I'm offering some simple tips and information to the ZZatem community. Click here to get in touch and I'll share them with you.

3) Strengthen your Immune System with JSJ

We have natural immunity within our bodies – it generally protects us from external challenges. Sometimes, though, it can get overwhelming and we might not feel as well. There are so many bits of help for the immune system – all the basics that we hear every day in the news – eating healthy, getting rest, exercising, drinking water, and reducing stress. When things aren’t as good, we need to seek the care of our doctor to help us through.

In addition, we can do things to help support our immune system. Rather than seeing it as a negative, we can reframe this challenge and focus on the unity in our lives. I shared 4 simple ways to improve your immunity - again it's about mindset - transforming immunity to 'I'm in unity" and there are simple holds for this too. I’ve had great benefits through Jin Shin Jyutsu and so have my clients. JSJ has greatly improved some immune disorders that I was challenged with.

More help to calm the chaos

If you need more support during these times, please take care! Ring a family member or friend, seek medical attention if needed, and take care of your basic needs.

I can help you calm the chaos too. 

Client testimonial: I have had several treatments by Jackie and really appreciate her gentle and calm approach as well as her deep knowledge and understanding of JSJ. I always feel very relaxed after each session and Jackie always suggests how I can continue to work on myself with simple self-help holds. C, Belgium

JSJ treatments/sessions are available in person here in Ireland and online from wherever you are in the world.

I invite you to get in touch to see how I can help you today.





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