Weekly Astro Oracle Reading: 17th-23rd June

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Your weekly mini astrology guidance. Find your sign and read on. If you know your sun, moon and rising even better.

Your weekly Astro Oracle Reading 17th-23rd June. As per take what resonates and left what doesn't apply.


If your sun doesn't resonate, i highly recommend you check your sun, moon and rising. BONUS: Read your sun, moon rising. 


If your sun sign is in...


Air sign: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - You're being guided to connect to your third eye. The third eye is right between your eyebrow aka your pineal gland aka it's your mind's eye. This is where you create from (thoughts become reality). 

Now as an air sign you are naturally always in your own head which can cause you to overthink, over analyse (hello fellow gemini here, i know) - so find the balance instead of questioning and questioning your thoughts, instead just jump in and create from the beautiful vision you see.

And as social butterflies that you are, go and share it through your words, writing and connections.


Water sign: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - today's guidance is have patience. As a water sign your emotions are up and down (cancer), naturally intense (scorpio) and sensitive af (hello pisces).

But this week if you do feel a little bit tested or feel like why just remember that patience is your best friend and in divine timing everything will be revealed and happen accordingly.

(p.s knowing your moon sign, where it's manifesting in your life then and now will help you this week).


Earth sign: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - Today's guidance is to let go of emotional hurt. Now, you earth signs are so loving, patience, you can almost convince yourself everything is fine when you bury yourself in your own feels (especially you Virgos, i see you).

But girl, you need to let this go, express how you feel ( ice queen capricorns), there is nothing to prove. You are human. You hurt just like anyone else so playing tough, stubborn (taurus i see you), love let me suck it up isn't helping. Today is your day to grieve it all out.

Connect to your feelings and feel no way to be the natural earth sign you are and cry it out and WATCH how the release of your emotions waters your foundations for fruition to grow.


Fire sign: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - Today's message is to be seen as the authority, stand in your power, this is your time. This week is calling you to let your inner boldness out, put yourself first (aries), bring confidence and playfulness (leo) and travel and share your wisdom (saggie).

No more playing small. Some of you are still not embodying who you are and you wonder why you're a reckless hazard to yourself feeling unsatisfied, uneasy, and unhappy. Be seen as the authority this week - show the world who you have come to be. Your uniqueness is your greatest and it's only you stopping that. Take action or else this week you will have a massive YOU problem.

Be bold, inspire, and share.


Remember this is NOT prediction (i am anti that), this is guidance to help you recognise your potential and path. 


Drop a heart if you found value in this xoxo


If you would like to know more about sun moon and rising i can help have a look at http://www.sheawakening.com/healing-adventure

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