Starting my day checking my phone
Looking at my social media
Checking messages
Reading emails and not out of bed yet.
Does this sound like you
I am the mum that wants everything for her kids
I am working a fulltime job
Building a business to pay for the extra bits
I am studying to develop a career in accounting and finance industry
I have no time for me
Getting stressed and sick because I am always there for others
Hate how I feel
Hate I cant just have a coffee and catch up with friends
Want to take time out of my life
If this sounds like you, junp on and follow my journey, because starting to today I am starting with me.
My health, wealth and time depends on me.
Where I spend and who I spend it with will depend on how I can get quality time with those I love.
I am starting my day with a moment for myself and feet on the ground, thanks to advice from Tracey Healer.
Mental well-being and conditioning my self thanks to Suzanne Sheedy.
Eating better and living better thanks to Pam Hird, Kelly Robinson and my Nuskin products and devices.
Watch this space as I am looking to help you create your own happiness in a healthy well-being.
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