Who give a **** about Mindset???? That will be me!

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Do you listen to your inner self? Or as I like to call it - that pain in the neck little voice who really needs to put a sock in it!..... (the polite version)

Is Mindset a new thing?  Or are we just more comfortable talking about it these days?

I like to think that its the latter.  Think about it.  Our parents, our grandparents all had/have opinions that they will stick to and they won't budge no matter how much you have a discussion about the subject.  It's their mindset, they have had that mindset for years and if they not in an environment of growth or change, why would they choose to change how they have been thinking for years?  My Father-In-Law is the perfect example. I love him to bits, but on certain subjects (mainly his health) he has a very rigid mindset which by all accounts is the same as his Mothers was - no talking about the subject will change it (it might for the half hour you are having the conversation, but as soon as you have left, so has all the good intentions)


I am happy to talk about how I am feeling.  I am happy to discuss how, when I finished in the Prison Service and began my journey in the online world I had imposter syndrome.  I am happy to tell everyone that it took ages for me to be able to post on social media because I was worried that people would judge me.  All of this was nothing to do with anyone else, it was all to do with that little voice in my head that is a pain in the neck and needs to put a sock in it!

Mindset is not just about feeling positive all of the time - if it was I'm in the wrong job!  I don't feel positive 100% of the time! I am human.  I get frustrated that the Hubster is sooooo bloody negative about certain things (thankfully not his health!) I get frustrated with myself when I struggle to work out how to do something - my O Level Computer Science does not cover anything techy these days! And don't even get me started on the motorway middle laners!

So what can Mindset really be all about?

Mindset is having passion and purpose for what you do.  Mindset is the feeling inside your belly when you think about your business, your family, your friends, your hobbies.  As I'm writing this thinking about my business and Mindset, I can feel the excitment rising inside, I am smiling, the feelings of having that growth mindset is just absolutely fabulous! I love it and I want others to feel the way I feel too.

Mindset is about working through your blocks, your limiting beliefs, your fears. This is something I did.  Sometimes it wasn't pretty, sometimes it was damn right ugly - but the outcome wasn't just a lightbulb moment, the outcome was brighter than Blackpool Illuminations being switched on.

Mindset is taking action.  Knowing that you have the belief, knowing that you have the confidence, knowing that you have the support, knowing where you want to go and taking those steps to get there!

Mindset isn't something new, we've always had it -  it's just now we know how powerful it is.  It isn't something which should be ignored, it should be something which should be embraced, nurtured, looked after, loved and certainly given a ** ** about because I certainly do! 

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Paulina Johnrose 50 w

A very important topic, Donna! 👌So right, we should totally give sh** about it, thankfully times are changing and the mindset is no longer a taboo.
