Three things to help navigate SEND Parenting

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Being a parent of a child with special educational needs and/or disabilities has both it's unique wins and challenges so here are 3 things to help you navigate SEND Parenting...

Being a parent to a child with special educational needs and/or disabilities comes with unique wins and challenges. The journey can be overwhelming, filled with advocacy, navigating systems, and ensuring your child gets the support they deserve. Here are three tips to help you navigate through these challenges and advocate for you kids.


1. Build a Strong Support Network

Parenting a child with special needs can feel isolating at times. Establishing a support network of other parents, support groups, educators, therapists, and professionals can be invaluable. When I meet with fellow SEND parents there are things that we just get and resonate with... We don't have to explain why our child is doing certain things or why we spend half our day emailing and calling the hospital/school/LA! Connect with local or online communities and participate in workshops or seminars to share experiences and gain insights from others facing similar challenges. 


2. Research and Advocate

Understanding your child's rights, the educational system, and available resources is crucial. We don't start by wanting to be an expert in this area but we end up being one whether it's understanding IEPs, EHCPs SEND Law etc. If you are unsure about anything then reach out to your support network of fellow SEND Parents or you can listen in to 'Conversations with a SEND Mum' as I will be chatting with SEND parents and professionals who care. Document conversations, gather relevant information, and assertively express your child's needs during meetings and discussions.


3. Practice Self-Care and Resilience

Caring for a child with special needs can be emotionally and physically draining, I'm on high alert waiting for the next seizure to come for my kids and I often put myself last like I'm sure many of you reading this do too. But it's essential to prioritise self-care and maintain your mental and emotional well-being. Allocate time for activities that rejuvenate you, seek support from family or friends, consider therapy or counseling if needed, and recognize the importance of setting boundaries to avoid burnout. Cultivate resilience by acknowledging your strengths and celebrating small victories along the way.

Remember, every child is unique, and progress may come in different forms and at varying paces. Your dedication and advocacy are fundamental in ensuring your child receives the best possible support and opportunities for growth but you don't have to do it alone!

Embrace the journey, seek support when needed, and continue advocating for your child's rights and needs. Together, we can empower and uplift each other as we navigate the path of parenting children with special educational needs. 

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Stay strong, resilient, and know that you are not alone. 

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