The Power in You

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Are habits you have now, creating the success you want in the future?


Habits are the repetition of actions over a period of time. Have you taken time to look at your habits and the results they are bringing into your life? 

We all have habits, these habits are neither good and bad, they are what we think they are. At first these habits were choices that we made, then they became unconscious habits in our life. 

Think about your morning routine- you wake up, what is the first thing you do? We usually call this our routine but really it is the formation of our habits. When we do something often enough we don't need to give it much thought we just do it - it is now a habit. 

Take brushing your teeth for example. I have spent the past four or five years teaching my son how to brush his teeth. Every morning and every night watching him, helping him and ensuring he does a good job. I had to take the time to help him develop the habit and how to brush them properly. Now, most of the time, he does it out of habit. 


We also pick up habits that don't serve us well along the way - eating too much junk food, not exercising enough, telling ourselves we are not good enough and we don't have the ability to succeed. If you change one habit in your life that is not serving you, you will see your results change. 


I changed my eating habits 6 months ago and started walking and exercising and now I can see my results have changed. I look and feel better. In my business I don't look at what I currently have or do not have in my business I am in the habit of thinking and looking from the wish fulfilled. I take time to be grateful for my clients and for the income I earn, although I have not yet received them, I have firm belief they will appear and I ensure my daily habits are success building habits. 


For more information and support on changing your habits book a discovery call with me. I can offer you 30 minutes of my time to help you with your daily habits


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Karen Sanders Editing 1 y

Great post, Caroline!
