The Story of Jo

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The story of Jo was a bit of an emotional one. Jo had been searching for many years before she found me. She had all her records to hand, so I could get straight to it! Here is what happened

The story of Jo was a bit of an emotional one. Jo had been searching for many years before she found me. She had all her records to hand, so I could get straight to it!

Her adopted parents were supportive and Jo knew they would be there no matter the outcome. I started my work…

My search began looking for her birth mother (BM), I quickly found she passed away in 2010. I then moved on to her birth father (BF), he too had passed away in 2011. It was a sad outcome, and I informed Jo of this. I did also let her know we could check for possible siblings – Jo gave me instruction to go ahead.

Next steps…

When searching for children of potential couples, there is a good little trick that I use. It brings up any child born under a particular surname, with the mothers maiden name too. There is a little more to checking – area, year of birth, ect. For Jo’s search, it brought up a match! As a part of my service, I make contact with potential relatives too. This means that I act as an intermediary, protecting you and potential relatives.

I messaged the sibling on Facebook – sometimes a letter is required, but hey… we are in the 21st Century! I got a response rather quickly, she confirmed that both parents were a match. She also knew something of an adoption before she was born, but didn’t have full facts. She wanted to speak with Jo!

The outcome…

It as a pleasure to let Jo know, she was no longer an only child. In fact, she gave me an update! Jo now has 7 siblings in total, she has been in touch with most of them quite a bit. One is a little more reserved about the contact, but that might change over time. From the morning of contact, it took less than 48 hours for Jo’s life to change.

Are you are adopted and are looking for your birth family? If so then please contact me! 


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