Discover that habits you have could be holding you back

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Want to know how to achieve what you want - are you in control of your habits?

We all have habits - things we do every day without much thought. If you are an experienced driver, you get into the car and drive without much thought about what you need to do. When you were learning to drive it took  you a long time to get moving because you had to go through everything with care so that you did it correctly.

You should know that all the results you currently have in your life have been created by your daily habits. You're results may not be what you want so you need to stop, look at your results, do not look at them negatively or positively but take note of them and decide if you want to change them. 

Once you make the decision to change your results you need to learn how to think which will create your results on purpose not from habit. Our thinking and our mindset creates and controls our world. 

We were never taught how to think, we were never taught how to make decisions we have learned through experience. A lot of the time our thinking is influenced by external circumstances or experiences. This can lead us to develop negative thinking and negative habits- have you ever had a little voice inside telling you you can't do something, you're not good enough etc etc. This is usually as a result of our programmed habits and thinking out of habit. 

Know now that you have the choice to either listen to this voice or ignore it. Choose to change your habit of thinking that way and create a positive thought to replace it. Habits develop over time and constant repetition- you need to be persistent to change the habits that don't serve you. Think about how long it took you to learn how to drive - it didn't happen overnight, it took lots of practice to become a qualified and confident driver. 

Want to learn more about developing habits and changing your mindset- join me on 20th January for a free replay of Ignite masterclass delivered by my mentor Kim Calvert - click the link , register, answer the questions and watch the replay



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Amanda Wilson 1 y

Fab post, it has taken me ages to change habits but glad that I have taken that leap of faith! x
