"I have so much stored in my body, and I have a hard time letting it out..."

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Issues are stored in our tissues. Read more about how that can show up in your life and what you can do about it to release it with relative ease

"I have so much stored in my body, and I have a hard time letting it out...

...I actually cried a lot (during the session)"


A client sums up beautifully what shifts can occur for you inside a session with me inside the Power Portal.

I often say that our "issues are stored in our tissues."

Issues like:

  • Not saying what you are really wanting to say
  • Putting on a brave face that "everything is fine" when it really isn't
  • Not being appreciated by those around you, despite you bending over backward to make them happy
  • Absorbing other people's situations as if it's your own
  • An argument or disagreement with someone that leaves you with a burning chest
  • Allowing yourself to be treated unfairly or badly by family/friends
  • Putting up with negative behavior from colleagues, clients, or employers

We can hold onto these "issues" as energetic knots in our bodies for days, weeks, months, or even years... even ancestrally before we were born.

That no medication, supplement, food plan, talk-therapy, walk, or structured movement practice can really get to (or even close).

That becomes heavier, tighter, and more burdensome towards our physiology (cue to deranged blood markers or imbalances in your functional test results).

I know this all too well from my doctoring under the Functional Medicine lens...

Because at the very deep core of it, beyond the reasons of being too busy, or not having enough money to invest or prioritize yourself and your healing and growth.

What lies at the heart of why you may be having a hard time letting go can be because:

  • You are worried about what might come out, so you feel unsafe to go there.
  • You are so often in go-go-go mode, with no space or opportunity to really stop and FEEL.
  • Feeling, showing, or expressing your emotions is embarrassing or seen as a sign of weakness, so the energy of crying, sadness, and anger is ignored or suppressed.
  • Over time you have gotten so used to this way of being, that your body stores it all up, and in that process, you have completely disconnected from what it is carrying as a way of coping and adapting.

But here's the powerful truth: within you is the capacity to go through your process to release, to let go, and to heal.

In the safe space we create together in my sessions, you can allow those stored emotions to flow out, breaking the energetic knots that have been holding you back.

Ready to untangle the knots and reclaim a more connected version of you? DM me on ZZatem, FB or Instagram with EMBRACE to explore how we can start your letting go together.







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