Hot Flashes and Cold Cash: The Menopause-Money Connection You're Ignoring

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How menopause impacts your finances. Learn practical tips on self-mastery, workplace accommodations, and diet to boost productivity and protect your paycheck during menopause. Join the conversation and take control of your midlife journey.

Menopause—it’s not just that hormonal roller coaster we’re all too familiar with. No, it’s much more than that. It’s the hot flashes, the brain fog, the sleepless nights, and yes, it’s even hitting us where it hurts the most—our wallets. Now, you might be thinking, “Really? My hot flashes are burning more than just my patience?” Absolutely. They could be scorching your paycheck too.

My name is Tracey Montgomery, and I’m here to talk about all things menopause, midlife, and all the crap—yes, mainly the crap—that comes with it. So let’s look into how this life transition can affect us financially and, more importantly, what we can do about it.

How Menopause Impacts Your Productivity—and Your Paycheque

We all know: when we feel our best, we perform our best. We’re more productive, more focused, and more in control. But what happens when menopause throws that hormonal roller coaster at us? The answer is simple—our productivity takes a hit. And guess what? When productivity goes down, our earnings often follow suit.

There’s a ton of research out there showing that menopausal symptoms have an adverse affect on women’s productivity. We’re talking more sick days, more time off, and in some cases, even early retirement. Why? Because we’re just not feeling our best. And let’s be honest, if you’re on that hormonal roller coaster and you don’t know what the next day will bring, how can you possibly give your best at work?
The Financial Toll of Menopause: A Hidden Cost
Here’s the thing—no one really talks about how menopause can hit us financially. It’s like this big secret, but it shouldn’t be. The reality is that the symptoms we experience—whether it’s hot flashes, mood swings, or that dreadful brain fog—can affect our ability to work effectively. This, in turn, can affect our ability to perform and in turn our ability to earn. For some women, the impact is severe enough to consider reducing hours or even leaving the workforce entirely.

Think about it. If you’re not feeling your best, if you’re dealing with these unpredictable symptoms, it’s obvious that your work capabilities are going to decrease. That decrease? Well, it’s reflected in our pay, in our career progress, and ultimately, in our retirement savings. So yes, menopause can and does affect us financially. But that doesn’t mean we’re powerless.

Self-Mastery: Flipping the Script on Menopause

Now, let’s talk about flipping the script a bit. Yes, hormones can get in the way, but at the same time, this stage of life can be a new lease on life, a new awakening. So how do we navigate this? One word: self-mastery.

I know, I know—we hear about self-mastery all the time. But do we really understand what it means? Self-mastery is all about taking control in practical ways. It’s about having a routine so you know what you’re doing every day, using a journal to offload what’s been happening to you, and using planners—remember those diaries we used to carry around?—to organise your life. When you know what’s coming, it alleviates a lot of the stress.

And let’s be real—there’s nothing worse than feeling out of control. When you’re in the middle of a hot flash, or you’re hit with brain fog, it can feel like you’re not yourself. But having those practical tools in place can make a world of difference.
The Workplace and Menopause: How to Get the Support You Deserve

Now, let’s shift gears to talk about the workplace. If you’re employed, your work environment needs to work for you, not against you. Here in the UK and in the US, there’s more legislation aimed at helping menopausal women in the workplace. It’s meant to help with accommodations and considerations, but it might not have reached your workplace yet.

If it hasn’t, it’s time to start the conversation. Talk to your HR department, or if you don’t have one, talk to your line manager. Let them know that there are strategies that can help you work better, which in turn can make you more productive. This is a win-win situation—if you’re more productive, you’re not off work as much, and they don’t have to replace you. Plus, let’s not forget about all the knowledge you bring to the table. You’ve been in your role for years, maybe even decades, and that experience is invaluable, replacing you is not cost effective.
Practical Tips: Diet, Hydration, and More

Now, let’s talk about the day-to-day stuff. We know that when we were teenagers, our hormones made us crave certain foods—hello, chocolate! And we’re no different now. But here’s the catch: some of those comfort foods that make us feel good in the short term can make us feel like crap 10 minutes later.

So, here’s a tip—watch what you’re eating and drinking. Yes, it’s nice to have a glass of wine now and then, but maybe skip the whole bottle. And if you’re a morning coffee person like me, that’s great! But having coffee at 4 p.m.? Probably not the best idea.

Also, let’s talk about hydration. I know women who won’t drink enough water because they don’t want to spend all day on the loo. But guess what? If you’re dehydrated, everything else goes to pot. Your cells need to be full of water to function properly. If they’re not, the chemicals can’t move around, and you start feeling even worse. So drink up—it really does help.
Menopause Is a Shared Experience: You’re Not Alone

Finally, let’s remember—we’re not the only ones going through this. 51% of the population is female, and a significant percentage of those women are experiencing menopause. That means we need to support each other.

If you’re feeling unsupported in your workplace, speak up. Talk to HR, talk to your manager, or even point them in my direction. I’m happy to have a chat and help them understand what you’re going through. And if you’re feeling stuck, remember—you don’t have to stay where you are. You could start a side hustle, learn something new, and take control of your financial future.

As they say, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but I say—throw that saying out the window. We can all keep learning, and we can all keep growing, no matter where we are in life.

Continuation of Your Menopause Success Journey:

So there you have it—hot flashes, cold cash, and everything in between. If you want to dive deeper into these topics, join me in my Facebook group Menopause Midlife and all the ****. We’re a supportive community of women going through the same thing, and we’re here to help each other through it.The menopause journey is a continuum. From perimenopause and on through into postmenopause, having people who understand and support you is essential. It's not the end of your life's journey; it's a phase, and having the right community can make all the difference.

I make it my mission to support women with their transition along the menopause journey and to signpost to the best financial opportunities for their circumstances. To talk further please use this link to book a call and discuss further support.

If you would like to join a supportive community, please drop me a line here. I love hearing from midlife women going through the menopausal transition.

Pssst, you can also check out my Menopause Midlife and all the ****. It includes monthly strategies and a community of women at the same life stage as you.

Click here to get your Life Reimagined to make every day just that little bit easier.

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Thanks for the honest advice!