The Power of Journaling

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Why it’s good to talk, even if it’s to yourself

A year ago I went to listen to the amazing Michael Rosen talk about, amongst other things, his amazing book "Write to feel Right" in which he discusses how we might talk about emotions if we can't find the words.

if you've ever seen Rosen speak, you'll know that "inspirational" doesn't really cover it and I came away more than inspired to tell everyone I knew about what he had said.  

Of course it's never quite that easy and, although I do talk about it a lot, I probably don't share as much as I should do.

Talking about and naming emotions is about the hardest thing for people to do.  We firstly assume that everyone "does" emotions like we do.  That you feel happiness, for example, as a fizz in your chest, that you see it like sunshine, that you hear it like a child laughing.  Perhaps you do.  Perhaps everyone does.  But perhaps you don't and they don't.

How would we know?  When is the last time you asked someone how they happy?  How they angry?  How they do scared?

So perhaps we can't say it but we can write it or draw it?  I happy yellow.  I angry red. I scared like the sound of rolling thunder.  And maybe I can't share those easily with you the first time I try.  So I try it for me and I write it.  In my journal.  And it helps me emotion in a way I couldnt always before.

If you'd like to emotion more with me, pop over to and let's emotion together.

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