Creating Our Own Happiness

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Our own happiness is paramount to our mental health, if we practice our own happiness first we can help and inspire others to do the same . a blog on creating our own happiness and how to action it !

Creating Our Own Happiness !

When was the last time you actually did something that brought you happiness ?

In such a fast paced world we often forget about actively doing the things that make us happy daily .

From school runs , work , running a business , caring for others , home life , studying , social media the list can be endless .

Is there time to fit our own happiness in ? Of course there is only sometimes we can be so swamped by everything else going on we tell ourselves there isn’t !

Tips To Encompass Fitting It In .

Grab yourself a notebook and write a title , this one I use but you can do your own if you choose to ‘ All about me in 2024 ‘

Write down all your happiness goals you’d love to achieve in 2024 from the small things ie read daily , listen to music , walk the pets , candle lit bubble baths , etc the things that are easily to accomplish during the day .

Then move onto the things that take a bit more planning like a day out , a date night , a day with friends . These are just examples because your own happiness may look very different , you may like to watch a football match , go dancing , go to the theatre . However you choose it’s yours alone so write them down .

Then go onto the bigger things ie plan a holiday , a weekend away , a retreat with friends , a spa day , a day at a zoo etc etc .

When It Becomes Of Importance .

By writing it down and inserted into your Calendar, planner, diary or however you plan your days if it’s written down it suddenly becomes of importance .

You can easily track it , break down your list into daily , weekly , monthly , yearly activities .

Talk It Over With Friends Or Family .

When you have made your list , talk about it , share it , action it.
It’s a great way to role model to our friends and family and even our children that we do take our happiness seriously . By sharing and coming together we break down the barriers , we are inspired by others ideas , their passions in life and the things that make them happy , it can also ignite ideas you may have forgotten about that you love to do too .

It may feel like hard work reading this right now but I assure you it’s not . It’s enjoyable , fun , it gets easier your list will grow , you will find yourself adding to it daily , you will find yourself looking for more and more things to aspire to .


I hope this blog has inspired you to start your list today . I’d love your feedback and do let me know how you get on with it .

You can follow me on fb and Instagram and on ZZatem for more blogs .


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