How can networking help me grow a business alongside a full time job?

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Juggling a job, family life and a business can be a struggle! Throw networking into the mix and it can feel like its go go go. Networking can actually help you grow your business and make it all easier!

You didn't start a business to be doing all the things and wearing the many hats that a business owner wears and you know that this magical 'networking' you keep hearing about could be the answer to the overwhelm but you don't really know how! 

It may surprise you that a lot of business owners still have some sort of salaried/regular income to support their dreams.  Going all in isn't for everyone and if thats you then great, keep reading and I will share my tips on how networking is helping me grow my business alongside a Full Time job.

For starters it's getting my name out there.  Quite often when people are asking in the main MIB community for a planner, coordinator or someone involved in weddings I'm the first person tagged.  


I've networked and people know what I do!

Growing your business isn't just about the sales you make.  As I mentioned in the beginning business owners wear many hats and some of those may not be skills you're an expert in! 

Accounts - numbers are not my thing and through networking I met my previous accountant.  I had to stop their services due to cashflow, however, when I'm in a position again to need an accountant I will 100% be going back to network for recommendations 

My VA (Virtual Assistant), again on pause for cashflow but she helps me with my email marketing and my Pinterest as what she can do in 1 hour, takes me all day.  Now yes her fee is an expense but it actually releaves me of time to do the things that are 100% my skill set! 

Networking is a two way strategy.  1 that will bring you customers and 1 to find suppliers for your business. I can 100% attune the majorty of my business to networking and it is why I became MIB leader. 

To show my expertese as an event planner and also to grow my business in all aspects.  

If you're not making time for networking in your 2024 marketing strategy, did I mention its a taxable expense to claim through your tax return ;) 
If it's not part of your stratgey then I would highly recommend it 

Start small with the free events, such as Coffee and Chat ran by Mums in Business International, Monday evenings at 7:30 online and then you'll discover there is a local group to you and then the magic begins! 

If you're really stuck with how to begin networking, then reach out and I will hold your hand and show that it's really not that scary 

Until next time 

Charlotte x

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