It’s Half Term

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A time for us all to be kind to ourselves

It's half term and those of us working in education might be breathing a sigh of relief.  We might have a great many plans for things we have put off during the term time and we might intend to catch up with friends and family.

We might also have children at home or other people we need to look after.

We might want to work on our own businesses.

We might have a great deal to do.

So, it's time to be kind.  Because if all we can do is take some time to rest and recuperate then that's absolutely OK.  We need to take the time to put on our own oxygen masks and do exactly what we can manage and forgive ourselves for what we can't.

If you need help with feeling kind to yourself, why not pop me a message and we can have a chat?  I can help you focus on how you can keep yourself well and let yourself be kind.

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