How a Virtual Assistant Can Kickstart Your Stuck Projects and Keep You on Track

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Discover how a Virtual Assistant can kickstart your stuck projects and act as your ultimate accountability partner. From meeting deadlines to prioritising tasks, a VA helps you stay on track, get organised, and achieve results—all while saving you time and effort in your business.

Running your own business is a rollercoaster—sometimes everything clicks, you’re buzzing with energy, and progress is being made. But then, there are days when it feels like a slog. You know you should work, but the motivation just isn't there, and tasks start to pile up.

We all go through this; no one is at their best all the time. I'm writing this feeling inspired and productive, but just last week, I was in a completely different headspace. The truth is, it's easy for projects, even the important ones, to get stuck. There might always be something else that needs doing, or maybe a task isn’t in your skillset, so it sits there, even though you know tackling it could really benefit your business.

What should you do when projects are stuck?

Consider bringing a Virtual Assistant (VA) on board.

A VA Is More Than 'Just' a VA

A VA doesn't just kickstart those long-neglected tasks; they also help you focus on them. While you won't be doing the heavy lifting, your involvement is crucial—whether it’s writing content, providing instructions, taking photos, or choosing brand colours. You’ll find yourself motivated to provide your VA with the necessary information promptly to keep the project moving.

Your VA Is Also Your Accountability Partner

One of the biggest benefits of working with a VA is the built-in accountability they bring. Knowing that someone is waiting on your input or progress can be a powerful motivator to stay on track. They will need information from you at various points and will ask for it. You’ll need to provide it promptly so the project keeps moving forward. Your VA won’t just move the project forward; they’ll also hold you accountable, ensuring tasks that might have been put off for months are finally completed. This partnership creates momentum, turning overwhelming tasks into achievable milestones.

Let’s take a quick look at some of the key benefits of accountability:

1. Accountability Drives Deadlines

What starts as a dormant task soon picks up pace and progresses towards completion. In this role, your VA also serves as an accountability partner. Often, just knowing someone is waiting on your input can spur you to action, ensuring deadlines are met and projects move forward.

2. Accountability Supports Better Decision-Making

Moreover, accountability through a VA ensures that every task is not only aligned with strategic business outcomes but is also cost-effective. Utilising a VA compels you to think critically about which tasks truly require external help and which can be handled internally. This cost-aware approach ensures that you prioritise high-impact activities that drive your business forward and are worth the investment in additional resources.

3. Accountability = Results

By focusing on the most valuable tasks, this method of prioritisation not only streamlines your workflow but also results in tangible outcomes that are both effective and economical. By getting the right things done in the right order, and only investing where it counts, you maximise the impact and efficiency of your efforts, ensuring that using a VA adds value rather than just additional expense.


A VA is more than just extra help—they’re a partner in getting things done, ensuring accountability, and driving results. If your projects are stuck or your priorities feel out of balance, a VA could be the key to getting back on track and making real progress in your business.


Hi, I'm Rachael.  I’m a Project VA and a built-in accountability partner with your best interests at heart—I genuinely want to see you succeed. I specialise in taking on projects that solo entrepreneurs haven’t had the time to start or progress on their own. Projects won’t stay stuck for long! From creating lead magnets to finding venues for exciting events and optimising SEO, I make sure every task moves forward smoothly. I take pride in seeing tangible results from my work, like sales following a successful newsletter campaign. Let me help streamline your projects and keep you on track, so you can focus on what you do best—growing your business!

My website is  I offer a consultation call.  It's free. It's 30 minutes. It's all about you.  

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