Signs you could be carrying unnoticed trauma, Part 1.

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In a world where it is unnaturally natural to carry around hurt and pain, a lot of women are struggling in their life and business and don't realise what's blocking them from their dreams is the unnoticed trauma they are carrying. Read on in this short blog to see if any of the

This is a subject no on wants to talk about. I know i get it. If you have been following me for a while you will know i have experienced multiple abuse since childhood and from things like bullying at school, being physically beaten, being picked on in the workplace - did i forget domestic abuse - all these traumas, all these pains, all those hurt left undeath with that shapes my reality going forward.


When you think of it, from the time you have experienced trauma you better believe it’s gonna shape your future if it was never addressed.


What’s even worse a lot of women don’t even know they are caring trauma! How shocking, right? I mean half the pains and dis-eases you are being treated for by the doctors are trauma that has not been dealt with and is now getting suppressed by medication (subject for another day)


So let me share with you part 1 of some possible symptoms you could be holding onto stopping you from living the life you want - to create the impact you desire, your destined path.


Symptoms of unresolved or unnoticed trauma

  1. Chronic feelings of sadness or emptiness
  2. Constantly feeling of anxious
  3. Difficulty controlling or regulating emotions
  4. Self-destructive behaviors - this can manifest as substance abuse or self-harm
  5. Living in of guilt or shame
  6. Difficulty trusting others or forming meaningful relationships
  7. Constant self-blame or feeling responsible for negative events
  8. Intense and frequent nightmares or insomnia
  9. Very sensitive to certain sounds, sights, or smells
  10. Disconnection from one's body


Can you easily relate to any of those? What was the first ting that came to your mind when reading over these? Probably your past right? An event or something?


And here is you fighting through life just to succeed hey? You don’t have to anymore all you need to do is take that first step and move forward.


I will be back with a part to this but this is something for you to think over. How does this affect your life? Could you be in a different reality of your life now if you had just let it go?


If you want to talk about this some more or need help understanding it send me a email to: [email protected]


Or if feel this is the time to face your inner struggle you can book a 1:1


or join my SHE Awakening® Circle for women on a self discovery, self love and healing journey to reach their soul desires - i can help you. Crcle is only £13.33 / $17.77 to join.


See you on the next blog post. Until then keep being you.

Kelisha xx

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