I learned the hard way.
The main thing is i learned, however it took me to burnout to learn.
I was helping other people with their businesses, i was running my own business, i was carung for my disabled husband ,plus being a mum of four!
I never stopped, couldnt switch off, i was glued to my phone 24/7 , i had to make business work, i felt i had to support the other people in our team, i was looking after my husband as we dont have carers, then when my children needed me i helped them.
I was scared that if i stopped business would collapse , that my family would crumble.
What i didn't realise until recovery is that i was infact failing them all by not looking after myself !
I was unable to give everyone the full of me , i was wearing myself thin.
In the end i burned out ! I had to quit ny business , leave the team i loved, i couldn't give my husband or my children my full attention.
Through my recovery i have learned the importance of self-care ,self-love and wellness and now i support other women to add Self-Care into their daily routine.
I share tips , i share my story, what is Self-Care ,self-love and wellness , i share products that help support Self-Care pamper wise and wellness.
Dont be like me, and please take time out for you!
#selfcarecornerwithsu #selfcare #makingtimeforyou #timetorelax #relax #dothingsforyou #dowhatyouenjoy #investinyourhappiness #investinyourwellbeing #acceptyourself #bekindtoyourself #selfcaretips #selfcarechallenge #selfcareposts #selfcareishealthcare