New resources for September have dropped into our value packed, low-cost membership for parents and/or educators!
A sensory cook book and sensory zone routines are some highlights from this month's resources. Keep your eyes peeled for resource spotlights and examples of how best to use the resources in The Learning Lounge.
Not only do you get amazing resources, you get weekly training Q and As so grab your place via the link in comments at the founding member price of only £7 per month and stay at this price for as long as you continue.
PD: picture mock up of some of the resources in the learning lounge including , sensory zone routines, a let's cook booklet, aromi scent hunt, calendar and sleep routine.
#thesupersensorysquad #send #senfamily #spdawareness #spd #parents #homeeducationuk #eyfsinspiration #sensoryfriendly #sensoryprocessing #resources #childmentalhealth #sendinstagram

Nicole Bateman
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