A little introduction post...

Professionally, my business name is Pelvic Priestess. I am a Somatic Sex Coach, Holistic Pelvic Care Guide and Bodywork Therapist. I specialise in working with those that have experienced sexual trauma and subsequent pelvic pain and dysfunction. I am an advocate for cyclical education, and all of my work roots and rises in somatic education, ritual immersion, and somatic embodiment. I believe that healing sexual trauma, shame and pelvic pain is blood, breath and bone work. To come home to your body, sexuality, and pelvic temple is a mythic, poetic and somatic journey. It is the slow, compassionate and full sensory remembrance of your original essence as always whole, sacred, and wildly alive. I am also a Connection Mentor for the 2023 VITA Students.

Personally I am a lover to my beloved, whom I have shared 23 spiralled years of all of the allness with. I am a mama to 3 sacred human wildlings, all 3 are so much music. My nickname is Myth.
I am a crepuscular creature, dawn and dusk is a call to my wild that the marrow of my bones must answer. And just like my Mizrahi grandmothers I love life by candlelight. I love hula hooping, innerdance, medieval grafitti, the salt wet sea, the art of everyday ritual, and I believe in the power of yellow wellies!

I appreciate you taking time to read, especially if you made it to the end!
