As we step into the last phase of Mercury Retrograde some of us are walking away from things people and situations that no longer serves or make our souls happy!

Some may have learnt from this period and actually regained trust and clarity in their relationship but for many you are walking away into another chapter you have put your boundaries up and kept your heart open to what is meant for you!

New chapters can be hard but they can also be the best thing you ever done in your life as you know that you deserve so much more in this lifetime!

When you shut out the noise and listen to what your soul is asking for you can bring in so much more abundance you may discover a new skill you may be gifted a lump some of money from an unknown source or you may even make it one step closer to finding your reunion.

Each relationship has to be seen as stepping stone to the reunion you was separated from in another life he/she will leave you with gifts of lessons and also upgrades in your own soul because even if it was toxic as **** you learnt how to be stronger not be co-dependant and you move on to your next chapter in life!

As hard as it must be they are sent to you as you agreed in another life to to have to these experiences with them and this is just making you who are to become in this life time!

If you would like to dig deeper into this phase in your life an want to discover more about what you SOUL purpose is and who you are to meet in this life time then msg me for a Soul Plan Reading 🪐🙏✨

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