Great day yesterday at the Epilepsy12 OPEN UK National Conference 2023 and a privilege to be able to present parent viewpoints to the attendees. Thank you Emma Sparrow for inviting me!

Hearing about the priorities for epilepsy care was encouraging. There was also a lot of talk about better support for the mental health of young people with epilepsy and parent/carers which on the back of multiple seizures this week and my nervous system on high alert was a welcome message.

I will continue to share experiences and raise awareness of the impacts of living with epilepsy and counter the misconceptions still present in society, for my children and others.

PD: picture of Nicole standing on stage and speaking to people with a ppt to the left saying Genomics Workshop

#epilepsyawareness #temporallobe #epilepsyresearch #epilepsy12 #rcpch #epilepsywarrior #mentalhealth #seizures #seizureawareness #childmentalhealth #parentcarer #sendmum
